


Active member
Oct 24, 2012
I thought i'd take a drive up there tomorrow - any advice on leaders, tactics etc ?

I thought i'd start up at Old Mill Road, then fish down at near the Diner, and Country Inn Suites.

I'm guessing sulphurs and caddis from the hatch chart, but any MB's still around, any terrestials ?


I do well with a PT type fly (soft hackle with/without bead) and a zebra midge off the bend about 8-10 inches. If a lot of caddis are substitute that for the PT.

Good luck
March Browns have been over for weeks now. The sulphurs are pretty much over too but I would still be prepared as they can pop up anytime all summer, same with olives. Caddies, midge, terrestrials, and maybe some yellow sallies are all possibilities as well. Tricos should start soon but I doubt they are around yet. I've done well this time of year there with a small daves hopper or something similar with a nymph under it. Small frenchies, zebra midge and lafontaine sparkle pupa are my favorites for the po during the summer when there are no tricos around. I like longer leaders there too, usually start with a 9' leader and add 2-3ft it tippet and use a 3wt or 4wt tops.
perfect thanks guys.
I been meaning to check this creek out also. Fished it once years ago in my spin fishing days. Are there wild fish in there?
There are too many as evidenced by lack of plumpness and the superior abundance. Keeping some for the grill would probably be beneficial.
Keep the rainbows for the grill.
Lol yeah....so let's keep stocking it. Makes a lot of sense.
So...The superior abundance shouldn't be misinterpreted to be "Class A" correct?...given the presence of the stocked Rainbows.

Must be the lack of plumpness then.
It makes perfect sense if you define "Resource First" as protecting the sacred cow that is the PFBC stocking program.

Heritage-Angler wrote:
It makes perfect sense if you define "Resource First" as protecting the sacred cow that is the PFBC stocking program.


I have noticed a very low utilization by the stringer brigade this year. Only thing I can come up with is the only 1 stocking. They are not utilizing the stream. This is probably a good thing, because when they sample it next time they will see the fishermen number will be down and they can cease stocking.
Nothing like ruining a nice stream with stockies...+2 for the grill beef
I have also noticed much lower utilization by the local put-take crowd vs what I had come to expect from years past.

Few worm containers, several prime evenings with no bait anglers in sight.
Mike Are you saying that all those 4-5 in. browns are actually wild fish? I was sure that from the density of them (hundreds) and their cookie cutter size and pale appearance that they were fingerlings that had been stocked by the state.
If they are Browns, they are wild. The stream receives rainbow fingerling stockings.
Fished the Po yesterday morning. Nothing up near the dam. Hit the section at the interchange swinging wets. Had a great morning with a dozen or so 8-12 inch fish, all browns. Also had one on about 16". It jumped off as I was reaching down to release. Didn't get a good enough look but it must have been a stock rainbow. It pulled like a truck.
I love swinging SH wets.