Podcast suggestions



New member
Feb 25, 2024
Dunmore, PA
Mainly streamer/ nymph fishing for wild browns. I watch anything I possibly can from Kelly Galloup but looking for any kind of fly fishing podcast for at work or on the road
I can't stand most podcasts, mainly the ones that have multiple hosts in a free for all discussion format. There is just too much bro talk and inside jokes for me to follow along.

There are a few that I listen to, none religiously but when they have an interesting topic or guest:

Orvis podcast
Wet fly swing
Ask about fly fishing podcast (this is probably the oldest fishing podcast out there, so many great interviews in their archive)
Destination Angler
Hallowed Waters.....this guy can be hard to listen to, very very long and he definitely has an ego, but it is very indepth.
Wow, if you can watch Kelly Galloup videos without falling into a deep trance like sleep then you might like the orvis podcast with Tom Rosenbauer. No bros on the show but he usually interviews other well known fly fishermen but the interviews are eductional. My only complaint with him is he is very dry but he is more informative than bro talk.
I am not a big podcast fan. But this one is not bad because it has featured some PA guys. Jim Misiura, a Lack sharpie. Dom from Troutbitten (who also has a podcast). My buddy Sam Galt and Bill Ferguson also from Central PA.

Orvis podcast
Wet fly swing
Ask about fly fishing podcast (this is probably the oldest fishing podcast out there, so many great interviews in their archive)
Destination Angler
Hallowed Waters.....this guy can be hard to listen to, very very long and he definitely has an ego, but it is very indepth.
This is about right for me, too. I'll add in Fly Fish Food, when they get in a groove of putting out episodes (which seems to only happen every few years).

Never been able to finish a Hallowed Waters episode. Pretty rough. I also get annoyed with the Wet Fly Swing dude's very postured THIS IS A PODCAST I AM A SERIOUS PODCASTER vibe, but it's listenable if he has a good guest/topic.

Orvis is the only one I consistently enjoy and try not to miss weekly.
I like to listen to fly fishing podcasts when driving or tying flies. Here are a few suggestions not already tossed outL

Mill House Podcast - a chill podcast that is great to listen to when tying or driving. Andy Mills of Olympic skiing fame hosts this one with a lot of saltwater guides etc and is a very relaxing and easy listen when doing other things. Some very funny stories from Florida guides.

SoFly - can be a bit Canada oriented and is the multiple guys talking format. Not for everyone.

He has not updated it in years - but the Itinerant Angler past sessions are still out there and fun and easy listens.

I like the WildFly videos on Youtube - still deciding on the Podcast format.

Lots of options out there.
This is about right for me, too. I'll add in Fly Fish Food, when they get in a groove of putting out episodes (which seems to only happen every few years).

Never been able to finish a Hallowed Waters episode. Pretty rough. I also get annoyed with the Wet Fly Swing dude's very postured THIS IS A PODCAST I AM A SERIOUS PODCASTER vibe, but it's listenable if he has a good guest/topic.

Orvis is the only one I consistently enjoy and try not to miss weekly.
Totally agree with all points. The only Hallowed Waters I listened through the whole way was was the one with Tommy Baltz, it was a wonderful look at the history of Cumberland Valley fishing scene.

The wet fly swing guy is a doofus, he gets some great guest sometimes though.

I do like Fly Fish Food too, they do have some bro talk but they keep it to a minimum.
I really enjoy the Troutbitten podcasts (and all their content) because they do great deep dives that are directly applicable to our waters.

The most off putting part of their pod is definitely the advertisements which border on parody. They are currently advertising a premium watch brand named after a whiskey barrel and the owners dog that is made for fly anglers with the slogan “mark your time on the water.” Just absurd on its face and a bit self-serious from a podcast that claims to be the opposite.
I listen to one fly fishing podcast religiously, the Tailer Trash Fly Fishing podcast.
I can't stand the mono-tone, boring, stuck-up, npr type fly fishing podcasts. This is one is not that, it's a group of fishing buddies that sit around an old oak table bullshitting and hit a record button.

I also like the Mill House podcast, but since they've gotten more trout guides on there I haven't listened to every episode like I did when it was old time Keys guides.
I really enjoy the Troutbitten podcasts (and all their content) because they do great deep dives that are directly applicable to our waters.

The most off putting part of their pod is definitely the advertisements which border on parody. They are currently advertising a premium watch brand named after a whiskey barrel and the owners dog that is made for fly anglers with the slogan “mark your time on the water.” Just absurd on its face and a bit self-serious from a podcast that claims to be the opposite.
I tried the Troutbitten podcast, and I really wanted to like it due to the nature of their location, but I find it completely unlistenable. I just don't jive with those guys personalities I guess.
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I forced myself to listen to some of the hallowed waters podcasts where he festured trout unlimited and then the native fish coalition and i believe eric richards too just to listen to peoples opinions on the management of brook trout vs wild trout vs brown trout. Anyhow, I agree, that guy is a very tough listen. There is not another podcast where thw host takes a 10- 15 minute break and plays elevator music instead of cutting it out for production. Does the guy take a smole break mid episode or what?!

The orvis podcast especially when on a topic of interest can be good. Same with Troutbitten.
Cut and Retie is a pretty good listen. It is not always fly fishing focused but I kind of like it for that reason.
Wow, if you can watch Kelly Galloup videos without falling into a deep trance like sleep then you might like the orvis podcast with Tom Rosenbauer. No bros on the show but he usually interviews other well known fly fishermen but the interviews are eductional. My only complaint with him is he is very dry but he is more informative than bro talk.
Love rosenbaurer. Didn’t know he had a podcast. Thank you!
I listen to one fly fishing podcast religiously, the Tailer Trash Fly Fishing podcast.
I can't stand the mono-tone, boring, stuck-up, npr type fly fishing podcasts. This is one is not that, it's a group of fishing buddies that sit around an old oak table bullshitting and hit a record button.

I also like the Mill House podcast, but since they've gotten more trout guides on there I haven't listened to every episode like I did when it was old time Keys guides.
Both of those are great. You might also like "Barely Live." They're from Charleston, SC - you've probably heard them a time or two on Tailer Trash. The production quality isn't great and they don't make new episodes very often but it can be absolutely hilarious..
I'm curious what people like about Tailer Trash. It's been recommended to me by lots of friends, and I've started many episodes over the past couple years. Without exaggeration, the first hour features no discussion of fishing. It was basically checking in with some of the dudes on the status of their divorce or whatever, and then prolonged talk about stuff they've been mailed by sponsors or obsessive fans. I could not hang at all.
Both of those are great. You might also like "Barely Live." They're from Charleston, SC - you've probably heard them a time or two on Tailer Trash. The production quality isn't great and they don't make new episodes very often but it can be absolutely hilarious..

I've listened to Barely Live. Paul Puckett and crew do a good job. With the big breaks between episodes (I actually thought they quit the podcast) I forget about their show.
I'm curious what people like about Tailer Trash. It's been recommended to me by lots of friends, and I've started many episodes over the past couple years. Without exaggeration, the first hour features no discussion of fishing. It was basically checking in with some of the dudes on the status of their divorce or whatever, and then prolonged talk about stuff they've been mailed by sponsors or obsessive fans. I could not hang at all.

Honestly, I think it's one of those things that you either like or you don't. It's kind of like The Drake forum.
I fish the area, so I may be biased.
I'll say they try to build a community through their podcast. They also try to give back to the water they fish.
I like the fact they call it as they see it. Be it poor fisheries management, false marketing of products, bad guides, good guides, bad charities, good charities, stupid trends etc. I also like to listen to it to keep on the pulse of the area when I can't fish it for a few months.
I could do without them pushing the Grundens and Riversmith products lately as well as them being music critics all of the sudden because I see it as a bit of a sell-out, but I get why it's occurring.
As for the podcast format, when I see any of my fishing buddies at the dock, or on the stream, the first questions are about our lives it's never about fishing. It gets around to fishing later.
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