poachers beware!

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date


Active member
Sep 9, 2006
yesterday my buddy caught to poachers on a stream. he found bait containers, poweerbait jars and eagle claw packs along the stream. he picked them up and approached two fisherman. the stream is C&R AFLO. he showed them the evidence and said, if i ever catch who is doing this im gonna drown them in the stream! he was quite angry. now he didnt accuse them but said he was going to the near by TU to see what we could set up to protect the stream. im trying to get day by day and some night walk throughs. these guys camped along the stream and even had a small fire pit with rocks. im warning all sepa poachers now.....we will catch you. and ium gonna turn you in the the pfbc. :-x
What stream was it on ?
well i would mention but in fear of attracting attention to it im not going to. i just wanted to let poachers in the sepa region that lurk on this site to be careful. we will be watching! some streams i would like to see some of those real time video monitors up. sounds extreme but this is so prevelent in the sepa region and im getting really tired of it.
I kick poachers off Ridley's fly strech all the time . But i'm waiting for one to give me some lip so I can releive some stress :hammer:
ha i hear ya on that one. i started carrying a camera and my cell. hopin to catch these guys so i can call the pfbc with thier picture and lisence plate number.
Last year I seen alot of people taking fish out of the Brandywine that weren't legal size or they didn't have license so I went and got my local wco's cell number and put it my cell on speed dial just in case it happens again
The poachers have been hitting the Codorus Creek SR area too. I've leave the camera and cell phone at home now and just carry my piece, lots of great places to hide the bodies!!!
Seriously, no matter where we fish, we all need to be on the watch for poachers, especially in wild/class A water.
The best attempts at poaching that I see every year is at the "run" at the Yellow Breeches. People fishing at Childrens Lake will come down to the run at either the first or second pool catch a fish then casually walk back to their stringer. I've seen this happen on several occassions. The one time I said something to a guy who was fishing with corn there and I said this is an artificial only stream and he kept giving me the "I pay the same for my license as you do" BS...

It's just ridiculous that people have to keep fish from the special regs areas just because they cant catch fish in the other areas.
they cant catch fish in other areas because they keep them all!
This happens in my area too. I live in the Northcentral region and I have found power bait containers at the fly stretch in White Deer Ck. I am with you guys for reporting them, but up there you have no cell phone reception.