Poachers at Allenberry



Active member
Dec 3, 2006
Over the last two weeks a group of poachers have shown up at the Allenberry C&R. They are using power bait and trying to snag fish. The purpose of the C&R area is to provide year round fishing for all to enjoy. If you remove trout this can’t happen. If you see them, please take a photo and contact PAFBC.


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Are you sure that they are harvesting the fish? I'm not sure of the regs at Allenberry. Is it open to all types of angling as long as it's C&R?
It's Catch & Release Artificials Only from the outflow of the Run to below Allenberry.

You might try calling the Allenberry Resort since they own most of that property and see if it was a guest or if they would respond and ask them to leave their property.

FWIW - I tried calling Law Enforcement beck in the early days of the pandemic and got a message that the offices were closed.

However, in the past when I ratted out cheaters on the Run or in that area, the WCO responded in minutes.

The deputy WCO is working on this as these are serial offenders. Allenberry is closed right now so there is no one around. They have a spotter so by the time he gets down there they have left or stopped fishing. If you re down there and see them take photos. I have passed these on to Fish and Boat.
I commend you!

Many folks just see things and complain but don't call. I have ALL of the PFBC & PGC Regional Law Enforcement Office phone numbers programmed in my phone.

My next beer after mowing the lawn will be dedicated to you. Thanks for giving a ****. That's the first time I have seen poachers down in that area. I used to see some in the Run, where they'd hide under the footbridge in the parking area. The same guys would either shove trout down their waders or stick them back in the bridge crevices and retrieve them later when no one was looking. How the setup worked was one guy stood on top of the bridge and threw bread in the water while serving as a lookout, and the guy underneath the bridge would put a cigarette butt on a bare bait hook and throw it in the area where the trout were in a bread frenzy. I was there one day when the WCO showed up. They had a discussion on what constitutes an artificial lure. Then the discussion turned to where the guy's license was because he didn't have one on him. Me and another guy told the WCO that he was shoving trout down his waders and inside the bridge (on top of the rock wall and just underneath the wood foot boards. I gave the WCO my information and left. I never saw those two dudes again after that.
They were at the Run this morning. Saw me about to take a picture and beat feet. They know damned well what they are doing is illegal. They have been "ticketed" already and just don't give a damn. They are Asians and well known to the local PFBA officer.
Thanks for the heads-up.

Obviously, ignorance is no excuse to break the law and it seems these guys know what they're doing.

I have had experiences where non-English speakers were fishing illegally and could not understand my attempt to explain the rules. One of these was on Big Hunting Creek where some immigrants were using spin gear with bait (it's an FFO) and another was in the Keys where I tried to explain to a Spanish speaking fella that it was illegal to have the spear-gunned goliath grouper that he had just shot.

Anyway - again, no excuses here - but sometimes non-English speakers don't understand the rules (or pretend not to understand).
Dear PFBC officer. Please camo up next Sat/Sunday morning and catch them straight away. Ramp up the fines as repeat offenders.
Give ‘em a break. The guy in your first picture looks hungry.
Unfortunately PFBC officers are not allowed to enforce the laws unless they are in full uniform. Stupid regulation that should be changed.
Sounds like a good time for a citizens brigade to intervene

Could always call INS too and permamnently rid our great nation of these illegal law breakers