


Active member
Jun 29, 2011
One thing I hate about PM's is how scrunched up things get as you go back and forth on a PM topic. But I have been noticing lately that some people's PM's when they reply only contain their must recent message. Is that a setup thing on how they reply? Or is their a trick to getting it that way?

Thanks Fox
Fox - I usually just highlight and delete all of the old text when typing my most recent response. As you said, it makes the new text easier to read. Not sure if there's a way other than that, but that'll work and my guess is that's what the others are doing too.
I do what Swattie does, otherwise it gets to loooooooong.
Is anyone else noticing potential issues with their PM's? I have sent a bunch of PM's lately to people who reliably answer back but I never hear back from them. It is not everyone because I do get answers but I know I didn't **** any on these people off yet, I don't hear back from some. Just wondering if anyone else feels like their recipients aren't receiving their PM's. They could just be ignoring me, I suppose, but I figured I'd ask the question.
