PM to multiple people...



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Just thinking: It would be nice if we could send the same PM to more than one person at once rather than copying and pasting and trying to keep track of who got what messages.

Thanks. Hope to get some upgrades going in a few months. The whole PM thing is something I want to get some better features added.
Can we have a "SENT" folder. Once a PM is dispatched, it is lost forever.
Can we have a "SENT" folder. Once a PM is dispatched, it is lost forever.

I like the "sent" idea too!!
From a programming aspect, you could kill two birds with one stone. Implement "multi", and append the user as an extra recipient by default. Filter all PMs from "self" under "outbox" and don't show them on the PM inbox.

Depending on how the site is coded, it could be pretty simple. Dave, if you're going the code modification route, I'd be happy to advise where I can.
I definately agree on having a "sent" pm's. I've looked back on replies from other people and if they don't have my original message quoted I have no clue what the original pm was about sometimes.
Thanks guys I hear you and will see what can be done. Again something i will be working on later this summer.