PM to a list of members



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
I've been putting a trip together with several board members. I copy and paste the message to each individual one at a time. Is there a way I can send a message to multiple receipients or and/or set up a group?
I have yet to find one. Perhaps the best idea would be to exchange emails and handle it that way.

Ability to read sent PMs, as well as a multisend feature would both be nice.
I agree. My email is listed on my account and I check it fairly frequently. That's probably the best game plan for now.
I understand the need, but the the PM feature is more of a one on one messaging system. Sorry.
I have no idea if this is even an option Dave but since PM is set up for 1 on 1 could you set up another topic area where the initial poster can password protect his info and only other members who he shares the password with can view and post on his topic.

I know this could create some negative feelings but topics could be listed as for example: .... with my userid listed as the creator.

Just tossing an idea around.