PM system broken.



Active member
Apr 8, 2007

receiving a "503 Not Available" server error when you try to access the PM system. happened yesterday during mass deletion of messages.

system continues to work (i see the number going up), but repeated access fails.

feel free to login with account and/or reset password to accomplish troubleshooting.
I was a terrible person, and didn't clear the cookies first before I complained.

Cleared cookies, cache. Choose the Inbox link ( which goes to the page at and returns:
503 Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily busy, try again later! Powered By LiteSpeed Web Server
LiteSpeed Technologies is not responsible for administration and contents of this web site!

Still no bueno. Happened while attempting to clean out 24 pages (!) of old mail just collecting dust.

FWIW, you're free to blow away all contents of the box.

This is under Firefox 17.0 on Windows XP or something; Safari for iOS; and I'll try Safari on a Mac tonight.
any news on a blowing away of entire box so i can use it again?
I was able to get gfens pm working again. It required pruning nearly 8,000 pms read (opened) prior to 12-8-2011. So if you had something there it may be gone now.

I realized I have over 400 over a year and a half. I would recommend personal house cleaning of your PM boxes to avoid this reoccurring error to random individuals PMs. Otherwise from this point on there may be unannounced pruning of PMs beyond 1 year ago.

Move any favorites to the SAVEBOX in your PM module and they should be untouched.

Thanks for your understanding and anticipated cooperation.

Hey guys, Have been having trouble with Pm's again. No error message or anything, just not receiving them or people I have sent things to have not received mine. Heard this from two people now. Just a heads up. Hammer? Big Hammer? Really Big Hammer?