PM Issues



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021

There seem to be a few issues for several people with PM's. I am trying to get them fixed. An effort on this will not start until mid-March. Please hang with me while I get this fixed.

Thanks Dave,

Just wondering, and I don't mean to make it a big deal. But as it is, we have an option to save it in the outbox, or not to have any indication at all that we've replied. I usually don't care to save the entire message, I'd fill up my outbox quickly. But if possible, some sort of symbol that I have replied would be nice, so that, at a glance, I could see what I replied to and what I didn't.
Thanks Dave, I have had many problems latley with Pms. Actually I am guessing you never got the pm I recently sent you this week.
Starting to notice another loss of Pm's lately. I wrote a very long and descriptive pm to another board member, only to find out it was never received. Wish our sent Pms would be auto saved for a week or somthing.
Shane, its not Auto save but you can choose to save a copy in your sent box. But you have to go below the text editor to check the box for it to happen.
Thanks Maurice.