Pleasant surprise!



New member
Apr 9, 2015
As the weather was nice today, I decided to go out to a stream near my house for a little carp fishing. As far as I knew, this small urban stream only held carp, chubs and stuff of that nature. But after a few casts I caught a glimpse of something really big, it couldn't be a carp I thought. Shortly after, I tied on an old egg pattern that I had tied for salmon fishing. A few casts later I watched my indicator go, set the hook and began fighting whatever it was I saw lurking earlier. Once i saw what this thing was I knew me and my 4 wt were in for a treat lol.

What I find very cool about this is that this stream is not stocked by pfbc and because of its size and location, nobody would ever even consider fishing it. However, it is a tributary of a stream that is stocked. I was lucky enough to land 2 other rainbows after releasing the brown. I was pretty surprised to find trout in there. Moral of the story I guess is you can find trout in unexpected places. Thanks for reading!



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Cool!!! Awesome fish
That is a good fish. Likely be more there in future years too. You took a 4 wt carp fishing? I know some carp in my neck of the woods that would love you.
Holy carp! Oops, holy crap!
From the angle that the fish was being held, that fish does not particularly suggest stocked trout to me, although large fish are tough at times. What I do see is a possible upper caudal fin clip from a population survey and a damaged upper jaw.
An early Christmas present for sure.
Nice going!
A great fish and neat story to boot.

The presence of watercress suggests this stream likely has some limestone influence. If it were me, I'd go back and check it during the summer for flow levels and water temp. I'd wager that you'll find pretty good conditions for trout and that this creek is something more than carp/WW habitat (just a guess).
Wow. Nice freaking fish man.
Great fish and great story! I did just the opposite yesterday and landed a carp rather than a trout which was my target species. Very cool.
Wow, great fish.

I can't tell either whether it's a holdover stockie or a wild fish, and yes, it's difficult on big fish. Either way, it's been in the water a long time and that's a great catch. Congrats.
Yea, wild or holdover that is one hell of a fish. Great job.

That is an amazing fish! Congrats!
Great fish!!!
Appreciate it guys! One I'll remember for sure
That's a nice fish anywhere. It looks like it belongs in Tierra del Fuego, or something.
wowsers, that is some fish - especially for a stream that small.

looking at its coloring, it doesn't look dark enough to be a long term resident.

as salmonoid said - its wide spaced spots are very very reminiscent of a sea run brown or a big lake brown (the kind that come from the big irish loughs).

large browns in small streams tend to have much close spaced spots, often with red and orange colouring and much darker bellies.

based on my experience, wherever it lives is big water that is for sure !

