Place to Fly Fish Near Reading



Aug 10, 2013
Berks/Tioga County
I'm thinking about skipping the opener of spring turkey this weekend and thought of fly fishing instead. I need somewhere where I can fish from the shore since I have no waders. Also, I thought I would go to the free Tulpehocken Trout Unlimited free fly fishing clinic. Being able to catch a nice fish on your own is really nice, it makes me feel accomplished. Thanks!
Go to the Tully meet, and get some pointers, there will be folks there that can point you to good waters. Also I'd saddest the Tully this w/e, because there ought to be all day hatches of caddis occurring.
Wondering what is going on with the creek this year? Caddis were coming off last weekend and a friend saw two risers in 5 hrs of fishing. He did not catch a fish and none of the anglers he talked with caught fish. All in special regs area.
My guess is they were playing with the flows, from the 14th to the 21st the flows were well below the mean, on the 21st the flows shot up well above the mean for 2 days. That will put the fish off. IT would also mean the temps were bouncing around.
I fished Reber's bridge Saturday morning until 11:00 a.m. and caught 2 browns on a slumpbuster. I saw no caddis coming off and even more surprising very little midge activity either. Granted it was pretty cold in the morning. I may have seen 2 maybe 3 fish rise in that time. It's been a very odd spring so far on the Tully. I've been checking the TCO website for stream updates on the caddis but even their updates have been slow this spring.