


New member
May 2, 2017
Hello, I am fairly new to fly fishing and was invited to tag along on a trip to Galeton,Pa The first full week of June. I believe we will be fishing Pine and Kettle. Any suggestions on flys or nymphs? I need to fill my box as I currently only have a small selection. Any tips or suggestions on where to go would be appreciated . Thanks
Hi Matt,
Welcome to our online fly fishing community.

For Pine and Kettle in June, a basic array of trout flies would be fine: some generic nymphs and green weenies. I'd add some terrestrials (beetles and ants mainly) and for dries have some basic mayfly patterns such as the Adams and maybe parachute sulphur. Some tan and brown elk hair caddis would be good too.

Take a look through the Stream Reports forum for these creeks in June (Potter and Tioga Counties) to get an idea of what people have seen.

Good luck with your trip.
I would definitely have some slate drakes and yellow/green stone flies. There can be some good hatches of them the first week of June. You can also maybe come across some good drake hatches. As for nymphs lots and lots of pheasant tails!
drakes will / are coming off now 6/2/17
Hey Sandfly,

How long do the drakes usually last? I'll be heading up your way the second week of June. Can't wait to stop by your shop!

they will be done soon, brown and slates will still be coming off

Do the smaller, wild trout streams in your area and west through Coudy have Slate Drakes? I assume there is a decent chance of seeing some flavor of Cahill over father's Day Weekend, right?

My son and I will be passing by your shop during the day on June 16. Hopefully, we will have a few minutes to stop in, depending on how my work schedule is that day.

Thanks in advance.
Don't over-complicate it. For those streams, you basically need green/olive nymphs (caddis pupa and green weenies) and tan elk hair caddis. You will catch fish in June w/ those flies, doesn't matter what's hatchin'

But fishing the drakes is TONS of fun!
slate drakes, sulfers, bwo's, brown stones, and cahills now. up on tioga river the cahills are coming off, the smallies hit them on top