Pine Creek near Slate Run



Feb 8, 2014
Has anyone fished pine lately? Any updates on conditions or hot patters? Heading up today for the weekend.
huntfish wrote:
Has anyone fished pine lately? Any updates on conditions or hot patters? Heading up today for the weekend.

The temps on the Waterville graph have hardly made it below 70 deg all week. Any surviving fish will be seeking thermal refuge near the mouths of tribs or spring seeps.
I was up and fished last sunday morning til about 1-2. Although the waterville gauge shows higher temps don't forget that the gauge is below where little Pine flows in and empties the warm water from the reservoir. There was a good little bwo hatch in the morning which brought a good amount of fish to the surface, along with some other random mayflies, Cahill and sulphurs. After the hatch died down was hammering them on a very thickly tied white honey bug on a size 12 3x long hook, they have quite a few really nice browns in there. Although if my brother was not with me I would have been up in Slate fishing and not on the main stem.
I was up 05/29 - 06/01. We fished the tribs, but were going to fish Pine one evening, but the temp. was 74 at 7pm. People were fishing anyway. This was about 3 miles down from Slate. There has been some rain since, but the temp. Has to be high.
If you want to fish Pine this time of the year, you'll want to fish it in the morning that far down the creek. But go above Blackwell and you'll find cooler water, depends a lot on how much rains fallen lately and daily high temperatures.
Plenty of smallmouth in that area too. Between Slate and Cedar is some really good water for bass.