Pine Creek levels!

BradFromPotter wrote:
Anyone notice the Pine Creek water levels? Not sure the exact amount of rain we got yesterday, but some say between 5-6" in less then 2 hours here in Galeton!
That's good, the area needs it. At this point, the wild trout fishing is only as good as the last rain storm. I'll be up in the mountains tomorrow morning. :-D
That's kind of been the story of early summer and late spring weather. Spotty rain, but when it does fall, it has resulted in a lot of localized flooding, with multiple inches falling in a few hours. We had up to five inches in a few hours a few weeks ago, that washed out a few roads.
But, last night, a bubble sat over Harrisburg for a few hours, and we got just a few drops further south. Apparently further south of us was another stationary bubble that dropped a decent amount of rain.

Really interesting to compare the Pine gauges at Cedar Run and below Waterville - looks like the volume of water that passed through was almost the same, so the bulk of that water originated above Cedar, presumably the result of the storm you are referencing.
I was on the Susky last evening. Could see the storm about 1 1/2 below us. It never moved and we eventually had to row through it. Dumped 3+ inches of rain. When I took the nephew home, Clarks was red with sediment and almost over it's it's banks. Where it rained..... IT RAINED
That rain was extremely hit and miss. It came down so fast none of it soaked in. Streams will come up but will immediately drop right back down. We just had a 15 minute rain storm right outside of Williamsport that dumped about an inch of rain. Down in town didn't get it. Then like an hour later in town they had the same thing happen.
Salmonoid, please check you pm. I have been trying to pm you but maybe it’s not working?
I looked for rainfall for the area, but the rain gauge at Leonard Harrison didn't register any rain. Checked the gauge at Cedar Run, it spiked to somewhere between 3000 and 4000 CFS but is down as of noon today to 530 cfs.
The rain gauge at Cedar Run said .20 inches.
Our cabin is between Galeton and Germania. Wednesday morning it rained hard for three or four hours. Power went out three or four times. We went in to Galeton later, and saw the mud on 6. Numerous small mudslides along 144 and 6. Pine was ripping. West Branch was muddy but not nearly as high.
The only explanation is widely scattered showers.I was working in Philly yesterday and as I was driving the on the radio they said it was pouring in S Jersey. In Philly it wasn’t raining at all until noon. When it did it rained only briefly. We did get a ting at home but a short shower.