Photo issues



Jul 21, 2008
I have been having problems loading and previewing photos. This is a new problem i have uploaded several in the past. I have used photobucket and also attempted directly down loading from my hard drive. Does anyone have any advice?

Same problem. Photo manager doesn't work anymore. Tried to put a photo in the photos section using the link option and flikr but that did not work either.

Having a hard time seeing the issue. Can you point to any examples for me. Or so me one that did work?

So I took a day off from trying to upload pics. The following day everything worked fine. Multiple pictures uploaded without fail. Not sure if it was something I did or not. Thanks for looking into it though...
I tried posting ONE pic (lol) and it doesn't upload it. I've tried several times over the last couple of days with no results. First time I've encountered this problem. I thought maybe I reached my pic posting limit. lmao
To be more specific, it will show the text of your pic post, but it doesn't show the actual pic.
So, has anybody figured out what the problem is? I'm doing everything the same way as I've always done it.
I am still having issues. I can't use a link or the manager. This is only in the photos section. I can attach a file here.
Same here. tried a 150kb picture and no go. I also had a 152, but figured that wouldn't load.
The Preview and Upload buttonsw don't work.

However, if you simply hit Submit, it works just fine.

joseywales wrote:
The Preview and Upload buttonsw don't work.

However, if you simply hit Submit, it works just fine.

It doesn't work like that for me. It's been a week now. Hmm


  • Eagle Best.jpg
    Eagle Best.jpg
    27 KB · Views: 4
Can you fill me in where you were trying to submit something? Some parts of the site and forums have certain file size and width restrictions.
I can't get the pic to upload for the Photo forum. It shows the text part of the post, but not the pic itself. Then, when I try to submit it, it comes back blank, as if I never made the post/pic at all. I know that I have to resize to post them (always have) and I have been doing it this the exact same way (same size) as before.
Hi Wildtrout2,

Looks like Maurice and I have been able to upload a couple of pictures. There have been no changes made to the site so I am stuck. Any chance you can try this from another computer? Do you have special virus protection or firewall software turned on? Any changes recently on your end?

Thanks Dave, but for whatever reason I'm able to get the pics to upload. I didn't change anything on my end, it just started going through.
Please let me know if that changes. I am monitoring a few issues.

Glad to hear things are in order for you now.
