Photo hosting sites



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
What free photo hosting sites would you recommend? I want to put up a post on my trip out west and would like to utilize larger sized images.
I use photobucket.
Flickr seems pretty popular.

I use Smugmug for around twenty five bucks a year as my host.
Imgur is clearly the best, IMO.
photobucket since its not blocked by gov filters on my cpu they must be a good standing company
I use photobucket but have not researched any of them
I use photobucket for non edited photos because you can upload them super easily from an iPhone to their site without any hassle.

If I take pictures with my camera and edit them, I use Flickr.
I've used flickr and photobucket.
Photobucket seems to be riddled with advertisements and is extremely slow for me to use from my pc.

Flickr is much faster from pc and phone. It is a segment of yahoo.

I've not used imgur but have viewed it and it looks pretty easy.
...I just signed up in about 5 seconds. The UI looks simple enough with easy albums and upload from the first page I got to.
Flickr has way better picture quality than photobucket. Photobucket is easier to use on a mobile device though. I use both but use flickr for any quality shots with my DSLRs.
I recently moved all my photos to Google Photos from Photobucket because I found Photobucket to be laborious and crazy with their ads. I really like the way Google Photos organizes the photos, however, there isn't a way to embed the photos into posts or sites (which you could through photobucket). I also really like how my photos automatically backup from my phone through Google Photos.
Photobucket here but I haven't really looked into it much. I downloaded the app for my iPhone and it makes it really easy. I don't use it often tho. Just when I want to share pics on this forum. This is the only forum I've ever belonged to that is really difficult (I think impossible) to share pics direct from my iphone.
I see imgur does have the links to post photos on other sites similar to photobucket and the 90 seconds I played on it seemed much more streamlined to upload and access a photo (without the slow ads bogging you down).
I'll look into google photo, automatic online backups would be sweet.
raftman wrote:
I recently moved all my photos to Google Photos from Photobucket because I found Photobucket to be laborious and crazy with their ads. I really like the way Google Photos organizes the photos, however, there isn't a way to embed the photos into posts or sites (which you could through photobucket). I also really like how my photos automatically backup from my phone through Google Photos.

I recently moved to google photos as well. The only think that is difficult is sharing a photo using a direct url to the image versus an album. Google gives you a shared album url. You need to open the individual picture and copy the url to then embed the url into a forum or website. That is the only pain with google photos. I like it because it is an auto backup from my phone. I use it on my pc as well after losing some pictures from a hard drive failure.
I use Google Photos, reluctantly. I used to use Picasa, but as with most good things that Google sets up, they pulled the plug on it. Everything Picasa migrated over seamlessly to Photos. I definitely do not like that there is no direct way to embed an image in a post; Picasa did that well. But I've more or less subscribed to the Google ecosystem, so it does not make sense to introduce something else photo-related into the system.

You can get the URL for a photo if you open it in your browser, then depending on your browser, right-click and View Image (Firefox) or Open image in new tab/window (Chrome). The URL in the window that opens will be a direct link to the image. But it takes extra steps to get at this and I have no idea why Google has not added the feature to embed images, other than they want you to use their platforms, which have some of the sharing built in.

I abhor Photobucket because of the ads. It's painful to be browsing someone's album and have umpteen popups claiming my computer might be running slow or have a virus. Photobucket in and of itself is a virus...
Thanks for the tips Salmonoid and nomad!
You can get the URL for a photo if you open it in your browser, then depending on your browser, right-click and View Image (Firefox) or Open image in new tab/window (Chrome). The URL in the window that opens will be a direct link to the image. But it takes extra steps to get at this and I have no idea why Google has not added the feature to embed images, other than they want you to use their platforms, which have some of the sharing built in.

I don't think it's that big a deal, just view the picture you want to share in your post, right click the pic and select "copy image address", then paste that into your forum need to open new tabs or anything for each picture.

Just tried it with Google photos (but they sure do have a crazy address for the pic compared the links I get out of Smugmug):
tomitrout - For me the big rub is right clicking isnt an option on my phone or through the google photos app which I use on my phone. It should be easier than it is. The app creates a link to the album not the individual picture. It is what it is but I use my phone for pictures far more than a pc.

This isnt an issue with forums that I can use tapatalk with because tapatalk takes care of the image all I need to do is choose the right one from my photo gallery. But this forum along with a few others dont have tapatalk capabilites so I need to upload my images and paste the urls into the forum. Google does a lot of things very well but linking the image shouldn't be this difficult.

* To the mods I really like tapatalk but I know there are several forum engines that are not supported with a tapatalk plugin. There is little you can do short of changing the forum engine out which is a monumental task. Its just a bummer that both PA fishing and another PA hunting forum I frequent are not compatible with tapatalk. I just didn't want my post about tapatalk to come across wrong.