Phoenix Run Potter county



Dec 1, 2007
Does anyone have any experience on this water? I used to walk my dog along a lot when I lived in galeton and don’t recall ever seeing fish. I have fished it a handful of times including yesterday and haven’t bumped a fish. This isn’t usual for me. I usually have accessed it on SGL At the potter county sign. I guess I’m wondering if anyone else has had a better experience and it’s just me or should I move on from it. I believe it has always been a class a stream. Thanks for any help.
I have fished it a few of times in the SGL with no luck either. I've fished around 70 streams up there and Phoenix is the only one that didn't produce. I spoke with Sandfly once about it and he said the same thing. It is Class A but I wonder when it was last surveyed because it sure doesn't seem to be now.
I've fished it once. I caught fish, only Brookies I think, though it was in low/clear conditions. Fishing was slow, and they were all dinks. My FIL's camp is close by and he's fished it a few times, also generally reporting slow fishing. He did catch it once in higher, off color conditions and had a decent day. I think he caught a low teens Brown on that outing, and a few other "good" fish by small stream standards, 10" range or so.

Its habitat is pretty junky, at least in comparison to other streams near it. If it was in Berks County, where I live, I'd probably fish it pretty regularly. But at this point, I know too many other streams that are far better in that area for Phoenix to get into the starting lineup when I'm up that way. Maybe if all my plan A's for the day already had an angler working them I'd go back, but that's about it.
Not much luck on it myself.

I will say though some years fish run up it from pine in the summer. Landed a hefty brown or 2 out of it in July.
Brad, the evidence of the flood is tough to miss. I fished it a few times prior to that with same result. Sounds like most on here have had similar experience as me. Thanks for the responses. This has typically been a last resort to me, due to my lack of success.
Fished it about a month ago. The water sure looked good, but I ended up with the same results you did.
Stopped there a few times on the way to camp over the years ( 90’s and 00’s), never found reason to stop again.