PG article on wild trout streams



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
I have taken the TU training, learned a lot more about the drilling process and think it is a very worthwhile project. It does take commitment and our chapter is starting as soon as it is safe to be in the streams.

Jim Kearney
trout17 wrote:
I have taken the TU training, learned a lot more about the drilling process and think it is a very worthwhile project. It does take commitment and our chapter is starting as soon as it is safe to be in the streams.

Jim Kearney

Which chapter do you belong to?
As mentioned in the article the PFBC agenda for the April 11th meeting included a vote was going to take place on additional Wild Trout Streams. The PFBC does not have any minutes posted yet. Anyone know what happened with the vote?
Below are two paragraphs excerpted from my report to the PATU Executive Committee on March 26. For the whole report check it out as soon as it appears on - which should be soon.

"I attended the PFBC Commissioners meeting on April 11 and offered the full support of PATU for the proposal. Representatives from the coal mining industry also testified. Not surprisingly, they were, against it. Their major complaint seemed to be that they had not received enough notice about the proposal and hadn't had time to evaluate the effects.

Commissioner Sabatose, a member of the Fisheries Committee, felt that this proposal should be tabled for 30 days for additional comments and consideration. It will then be voted on by the Fisheries Committee and submitted to the Board of Commissioners for a final vote at the next Commissioners' meeting. Hopefully, the objections will subside and this will be passed by the Commissioners." - Ken Undercoffer
I should also have said in the previous post: This would be a good time to go on the PFBC site or contact yourt Area PFBC Fisheries Manager and express your support for the proposal to add 99 (it is 99 not 98) streams and stream sections to the Wild Trout List. The PFBC would definitely appreciate the support. And ask them to please step up this effort. - Ken Undercoffer