PFBC Proposes Changes to Delayed Harvest Streams - Action Today

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This past January the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) proposed significant rulemaking changes to the current Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only (DHALO) waters. The proposal is to change several factors within the regulation to:

• Include bait for harvest period.
• Allow children to use bait year round.
• Lower the min size limit for harvest to 7" from 9"
• Moving the harvest period up a few weeks to the Saturday before Memorial day.


In a recent poll on Paflyfish, 89% of anglers do not approve of these changes. The proposed rulemaking changes remove angling opportunities for some the most passionate and dedicated citizens who enjoy the sport in the Commonwealth. Over 50 streams are in the DHALO program and include: West Valley Creek, Oil Creek, Neshannock Creek, Black Moshannon Creek, First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek, Pine Creek, Quittapahilla Creek, Laurel Hill Creek and Tulpehocken Creek.

We clearly need to continue to let our voices be heard. The official comment period is from March 14 through May 13, 2015. Contact them today. Please let the PFBC know you are opposed to the changes with a written letter or comment online here.

Letters: PFBC Executive Director John Arway, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, P.O. Box 67000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000.

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