PFBC looking for fishing easements



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Attached is a "Pittsburgh Tribune-Review" article on the PFBC seeking easements for public access to fishing. Good news, but one point brought out in the article is that more and more landowners may say "show me the money" to grant public access. One solution mentioned was a tax break to landowners that allow public access. That would be a help, but that's not within the scope of the PFBC authority, it would be up to the legislature to pass a tax reduction bill.
well its about time! fishing in this state would be alot better if they were more proactive in the past. there is no easy fix for this problem. people should have the right to post thier land and but i also belive no one should "own" a natural resource. a few thoughts......

"The Fish and Boat Commission has to get beyond this business of raising fish and chucking them in a stream. They're not going to have anywhere to throw them if they don't watch out."

so will they consentrate on public access to streams that get stocked and warm in the summer? this instead of our wild trout resource?

"I think you will see guys trying to get what they can for what they've got," Shetterly said.

who can blame them? they paid for the land. or have to have flood insurance, i cant blame them for trying.

Undercoffer said he would even be willing to have to buy some sort of conservation stamp if the money was dedicated to paying landowners to keep their land open to hunting and fishing.

good idea.

im glad to see it is an issue now.