Petition Opposing PA HB 1950 & SB 1100



Dec 2, 2009
OK, so I chose to help out and signed the petition from paflyfish, and now I'm getting emails from MOVE-ON.ORG, a seriously liberal organization that I have no interest in being associated with.

I guess they are managing SIGN-ON.ORG & the petition and somehow enorsed by paflyfish?

Maybe I'm synical, but I can't help but wonder what the real purpose of the effort is. Sorry, I guess I'm jaded by such seriously politically tilted goups.

I hope posting this doesn't mean that I get tossed off paflyfish, but - go ahead, flame away, or whatever.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Paflyfish is, of course, non political and welcomes all views on fly fishing and related topics....whether political or not. If anyone else is getting spammed by political organizations that appear to flow from the petition at the top of the page, please let us know.
Dave W
Check out the email, at the bottom there is usually an opportunity to click a hyperlink and unsubscribe to future emails. Its as easy as that.

Its not a pyramid scheme. You backed an issue and it suggested similar issues. Thats all. Paflyfish has no affiliation with Move-on or any other political organization.

You could be a closet liberal though.... :-D
your gonna get Jack all excited!
LOL, actually I'm an independent. Meaning I haven't figured out exactly what to do !! ( Thanks all )
Springer! no ill intentions here. Sorry if this may have occurred.

I do believe that people need to be aware of this conservation issue. Conservation and the protection of habitat is one of the most important things we can do in support of fly fishing.

I would not categorize the site as liberal or conservative just fly fishing friendly! An open dialog on issues should always be welcomed as they are here. I think there are too many polarizing views today everywhere!

How Ironic, I haven't posted here in a really long time but do stop in to read the forum from time to time. I followed the link to sign the aforementioned petition and was actually posting to let everyone know about the email assault against everything not liberal from the Move-on crowd. Glad it isn't just me.
Happy Thanksgiving all!
I respect your opinion Springer even if it sounds like we wouldn't see eye to eye on a lot of topics. My only comment would be that you seem wound a little tight. Believe me there are opposing views to everything on this site and no one has ever been booted for any of them. A more conservative friend pointed me toward a site once that I had to unsubscribe from about 6 different emails lists in the following weeks. Its the price you pay for having an open mind.
Trust me Springer, they're all a bunch of commie hippies around here ;-)
Good Lord-that is a joke. Please don't take that post seriously!
I signed it too. After the first few e-mails, I hit unsubscribe.