PETA links



New member
Sep 22, 2006
I see PETA has some links on this website again. Look for fishing hurts. Is it true that it costs them money when you click on their links? If so, I'm gonna get arthritis!
Peta Kills me. When I worked in a school Peta would set up in the union. I found there stuff to be quite funny.

Here are links to my favorites. I actually have a collection of there stickers cause they are so damn funny. They have ripped off grabage pail kids
Friggin' PETArds!

I had a good idea for an anti PETA add but unfortunatly I have no artistic ability. It would show Jesus holding out a fish to a young starving child with the childs mother holding him back, pointing at Jesus and calling him a killer.
The ad is from Google and comes up because we talk about fishing. I would think that the more we talk about PETA the more likely their ads will show up here as well. So if you don't want to see their ads, try to ignore them.

I'm not sure if clicking on the ads costs them money or not, but I bet that makes it even more likely the ad will show up.
You know, the point the make about never dreaming of hooking your dog is particularly meaningful for me. -- It brings back painful memories of the time when my dog and I were standing on the bank of the east branch of the Brandywine and she snatched my fly out of the air on the backcast.

Needless to say, she's still in therapy. We're considering consulting the "Dog Whisperer." Perhaps PETA has established a support group for punctured pomeranians.
If you should, find a place for decent canine therapy, please left me know, ASAP!?!
When I brush my brindle colored Cairn Terriers, I always end up with a good fist full of the best darn dubbing! Two of the natural underfur colors, that I always get, are PERFECTLY matched for an Adams and several forms of Wulff type flies!
The problem, is however...... I haven't named any of the flies I tie, with their fur, after any of the Cairns and thus they've become depressed, sulky and unresponsive towards me!?
Not, only, do they need therapy for their current attitudes and problems, but I'm afraid they may contact PETA and file a complaint pertaining to my taking their fur without their written permission!?
You know, as well as I, that this is JUST the sort of thing that PETA loves to sink their teeth into!?!