Permanent marker



Active member
Jan 3, 2017
Been tying a deer hair fry for awhile now and been trying to find a permanent marker or paint pen that will stick and hold to the deer hair. I've tried a couple paint pens but every time I cast the fly into the water paint comes off. Any help will be appreciated.
I use Prismacolor felt tip pens.
I use Prismacolor or the Copic markers. Haven't tried them on deer hair but they will work on marabou or hackle.
why not different colors of deer hair?

does it have an oily or greasy feel to the deer hair ?
What about something like t-shirt paint from Michael's? You may be able to get some control of how it's applied if you use a toothpick.

It could mess with the weight balance of the fly if it's applied to heavily, though.

It's a thought...

Did you tie that? It's amazing!
Trying to find out how to quote someone haha

To sand fly yes it does feel oily like.
As for tying different deer colors I kinda like to save my money I get a big white patch of the belly when my buddies go hunting. So it's cheaper just to color myself and easier.

Fly swatter I've tried sharpie paint pen from Michaels I was thinking a material paint but I think it would still wash off. As for weight I see were your coming from but haven't had a problem with it and boy was I putting that stuff on.

Thanks guys.
Thanks nfrechet for that pic now it makes me wanna tie one haha.
Nfrechet, that looks like a Pat Cohen fly, nice tie!
it is a pat cohen fly and was chosen to make a point


i think you'll find that permanent markers are not that permanent

using rit or other brands of dye is also another option
Solitariolupo wrote:
I get a big white patch of the belly when my buddies go hunting. So it's cheaper just to color myself and easier.

Have you considered dyeing it? By the time you waste a bunch of time and money messing around with paints and markers you would have probably been better off using actual dye and getting better results. I'm all for do-it-yourself, but it sounds like you are well on your way to ending up in the penny-wise and pound foolish territory.
outsider wrote:
I use Prismacolor felt tip pens.

Me too.

I rely a lot on markers for many of my patterns and this brand is pretty good. Having two tips, fine and wide, is also helpful. I think I got mine from a regular big box arts and crafts store (I'm not sure).

Regular "Sharpie" permanent markers work fairly well too but have only one tip size and are not availiable in as many of the earth tone colors I mainly use. If you seek to use 'em for deer hair, the wide edge on Prismacolor pens would be best.
Markers can work well but the hair has to be pretty clean, no oils etc...

For a more permanent color, you can dye deer hair pretty well with Kool-aid. Super cheap and holds up well even in saltwater.
PennKev wrote:
Solitariolupo wrote:
I get a big white patch of the belly when my buddies go hunting. So it's cheaper just to color myself and easier.

Have you considered dyeing it? By the time you waste a bunch of time and money messing around with paints and markers you would have probably been better off using actual dye and getting better results. I'm all for do-it-yourself, but it sounds like you are well on your way to ending up in the penny-wise and pound foolish territory.

So far I wasted 2 bucks most of the pens I got for free but as I did this and saw what was happening I'm not wasting no more money. The book I read said to use makers but never said what kind.
I think I'm taking the easy route on this and asking around for the experts who have done this so I don't waste my time or money. So I guess I wanna be spoon fed haha.
I have thought about dying it but that would mean more experimenting and more money for me but it still is in my mind and may be done if I can find the time.
Thanks for your posts.
frabric paint will not work, as for oil wash in dawn dish soap , rinse and the let dry. then color with markers. will not be a strong color more a faded color. copic is the best to use