Perkiomen creek dumping...



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Greensburg, PA
Is this old was in my paper (Pittsburgh) this weekend...
Nasty make sure to read the comments also :oops:
Be sure to read the whole article as well. It explains much of the concern shown in the comments. Such as under staffing, falsified documents and fact that this is not just coming to light. Only the charges are new.

Fields said the inspector in charge of taking samples at the Green Lane facility inspects 80 facilities a year. She said there are over 1,000 plants in the five-county region covered by the Southeast office and only four inspectors to check on all of them.

Larger plants, which process more than one million gallons a day, must be inspected at least once a year. Smaller plants, like the Green Lane facility — which has a stated capacity of 200,000 gallons per day — do not incur that requirement.

She said the DEP, which was not notified that Corbett's office would be issuing a press release Thursday, does not yet know how much untreated or partially treated sewage has been discharged into Perkiomen Creek.

"That's the problem with falsified data," she said.
It's the first I've heard of it. But this is a water supply, why on earth is sewerage of any kind being put into a water supply?
Splains why my mother-in-law is such a nut job. Always told my wife there is somethin in there water now I got proof.
littlelehigh wrote:
Splains why my mother-in-law is such a nut job. Always told my wife there is somethin in there water now I got proof.

Yeah, that's why... :roll:
Chaz: Some (more than just a few?) rivers in Pa are direct recipients of treated wastewater discharges, only to be source water downstream for potable supplies. Those supplies are also treated before being distributed into the drinking water distribution systems. That is true for the Schuylkill, Delaware, and Susquehanna, to name three.
Yummy. Very true Mike. A ton of "suspended solids" are dumped into the Susky at Vestal NY since their treatment plant cannot take the amount of influent waste coming into the plant. It backs up and just get dumped straight into the Susky. Then flows down into my neck o' the woods in Pee-Aye and my borough sucks it up into drinking water for us...

Mmmmm.... chunky water!!! But the SMB get pretty fat and happy!