Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Photography Contest 2009

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I fish the stream until the hatches show. I will not fish a stream I do not enjoy just for the hatches.

I have no problem with prospecting with "staple" foods like scuds, or terrestrials.

Luckily, I like streams that have hatches.
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I voted stream but I choose the stream hoping for an expected hatch. If the hatch is there is just prospect the stream.
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I prefer to not catch fish throughout the stream than to not catch fish during a hatch.
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I used to catch a lot more fish until I started chasing hatches.... :-o
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I prefer to not catch fish throughout the stream than to not catch fish during a hatch.

If I hadn't just spent a day last week fishing with Shakey, that would be the quote of the month! :lol:

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I typically only cast to rising trout. I never cast a dry fly blind. If there are no rising fish I will sometimes halfheartly nymph or just sit on the bank.
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Really dont prefer sitting on the bank waiting for a hatch to come off....

So i just fish the stream. Even if i dont catch fish its nice to get out.
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I definitely chase the hatches, and pick my streams according to what should be hatching at that time of year
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We have some fantastic anglers on this site and many who have shared some wonderful images from their fly fishing experiences. Whether photography is your passion, your hobby, or just an occasional pastime, we invite you to participate in the photo contest, recognizing the beauty and character of Fly Fishing in Pennsylvania.

Winning photos will be displayed on the home page on a rotating basis and possibly entered into the Pennsylvania Fly Fishing 2010 Calendar.

Both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to participate. Photos must be submitted in digital format; see contest rules for details.

Each participant may submit one photograph in total. All images must be digitally uploaded. You can upload your images at the photo section.
Select the “2009 Photo Contest” Category when submitting your photograph.

Start Date: July 8 at 12:00 AM, EST End Date: October 31, at 12:00 PM EST. We’re not responsible for errors that may terminate the contest early so enter soon.

More and Contest Rules

Not only are you a great host, but a great historian as well. Thanks again for your efforts in organizing this. I enjoyed my time at the jam even if I was only there for the bad day.

I'm so happy that most of the first timers were able to get into fish. I have no doubt they will be back again! Once you've felt the first run of a fresh steelhead, you're addicted for life.
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That looks like what it's all about - meeting new people and having a good time sharing a common bond. Catching fish is always optional...
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Hey guys,
Just got back from erie. enjoyed the jam. All you guys are 1st class. I never meet a bunch of guys willing to help any way they could. Answered any question,even when they sounded dumb from a rookie like me. You people make this web site worth going to. By the way thursday the hole by the camp ground was black with fish, hopefully they move up. Hope to see all you guys soon.
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1 good laugh from erie,
After the jam, monday I went combat fishing at wall nut, left there and went to elk where 1, I lost my fishing glasses, that was monday. Tuesday my wife hooked a real nice steel head, after chassing it up and down the river I stepped on my rod and broke it, but got the fish,she was happy, I was questionable.Wednesday ran out of underware, went to mall with wife, paid for underware, left them laying on counter, found out after I was back at camp ground.Thursday took dog for a walk, he peeded on my waders.
Friday on the way home a rock cracked my wind shield. All in all caught some fish, met some world class guys, have a good laugh.
Glenn aka tig
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