Pennsylvania and Maryland Fish for Free Day: July 4th



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Worth remembering if you've got friends visiting, a family member interested in fishing, or if you are visiting MD. Both states are "fish for free" on July 4th meaning no license is needed.
I consider these a real treat and definitely take advantage. Weather forecast is shaping up nicely as well.
So the PFBC never thinks out of the box? The first state to have such a day was Pa. I have been told.
ugh..why do they have to make it a holiday!? Seriously, like I'm going to be able to sneak off to fish in Maryland on that day!
Depends on whether you have your priorities messed up. But yeah Waynesboro to Catoctin Mountain Park what a brutal haul.
It's close, very close...just drove through the Cotoctin area this afternoon. It's just that holidays for me are non stop family days that really dont involve fishing...Parade, swimming, cookout, visit with family etc... It just seems like a random saturday or sunday, would be better for fish for free day.
bigslackwater wrote:
It just seems like a random saturday or sunday, would be better for fish for free day.

I tend to agree that July 4th isn't the best day. There are other dates earlier, but I forgot to post them.

Regarding Catoctin - watch the water temps. I got readings of 72 and 71 degrees yesterday evening at Big Hunting and Owens Creeks respectively.
FI, are you saying maryland has more than one fish for free day?

The one I really want to fish is Beaver Creek. I'm tempted to get a MD license just to go there.
FFF on Memorial Day and 4th of July in PA. Lotsa people outdoors for the holidays and easy to remember. Good idea, IMO.
bigslackwater wrote:
FI, are you saying maryland has more than one fish for free day?

Yes. I think it was sometime in June, you'll have to look up the dates....however, 4 July is the last MD FFF day for this year.