Penn's in the Fall.



Active member
Jun 9, 2010
Sorry if you missed the 'peak'.

Cant imagine it getting any better.




Nice pictures.

I was on there this weekend as well.
Wow - a lot more water than when I was there a couple weeks ago. Love the pics. Is that first one the upper end of the catch and release?
Man those are stunning pics. Nothing like fall fishing!
Great photos! Best time of year to be outside for sure. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful shots... One of my favorite streams!!! Thanks for this post, helps get the mind off of the work week
Thanks guys, we definitely hit it just right, pretty lucky since we picked the wknd about a month ago..

McSneek, these were all shot within a ten minute walk of PoePaddy, from the campground & on upstream towards the tunnel bridge. We ventured down to the bend where Panther Run comes in but didn't fish much down there..not sure exactly where the C&R starts, I don't pay much attention to that stuff.
Real nice pics, it is a sweet time of year to be on the water. And in the woods.
Awesome pics.
tomitrout wrote:
McSneek, these were all shot within a ten minute walk of PoePaddy, from the campground & on upstream towards the tunnel bridge. We ventured down to the bend where Panther Run comes in but didn't fish much down there..not sure exactly where the C&R starts, I don't pay much attention to that stuff.

Tomi - if you cross the stream at the tunnel bridge and go through the tunnel you are at the top of the C&R section. If you had continued downstream from the bend you would have come to it eventually as well.

I've never fished all the way around the bend. Have to do it sometime.

I used to fish there a LOT, but these days spend much of my time in SW Montana where I just returned to PA from. While the fishing and scenery there is pretty nice, your pictures bring back many fond memories, and a reminder that no matter how far afield we may go, the grass isn't any prettier on the other side of fence than it is in central PA.

Thanks. John
Nice pictures. Did you see my post on Penns above?
Great pictures. I love this time of year.
Well, thanks again for all the kind words about the pictures, we sure hit it just right last wknd. :-D

And with an impending trip to Memphis for work in the cards for this week, I decided I needed a bit of 'me time' and ran back up today. The forest has done her thing and I'm awfully thankful that we were there for the full glory, what a show last wknd! Not that it wasn't a nice day out there today...

Tested fate and walked thru the tunnel, was on the water 9ish exploring a new to me stretch. The big idea was to fish back up around to the car...but there sure is a lot to old Penn's Creek, she's a growin' on me.

Had a nice start out of the blocks, picking up this thin and hungry looking lookin' rainbow on a swung soft hackle. Nice colors, but somebody feed this fella!

Then a bit of a dry spell for and hour or so, fishing the top of the C&R zone, which was coincidentally the only time I had to share the water. Miles and miles and miles to this stream and I have four other fellas leap frog on around me headin' downstream. No worries though, plenty of considerate space given, so it was all good. Picked up this hungry 12"er on a big golden stonefly in that fast water above the wire.

Tried throwing a hopper for sh!ts n grins in the flat water, but the wind and leaves made that a futile effort, so switched over to my goto #12 bh softhackle dropped off an even bigger softhackle for the next batch of churned up water. Was surprisingly rewarded by making this fella's acquaintance. Nice strong, full bodied 15-16"er, fish of the day!

Post release sulking...

After that is was time eat my sammich and enjoy that beverage I'd been carrying all morning..

Rest of the afternoon was kinda slow, some bugs in the air, but nothing that I would call a 'hatch'. Was gettin' on toward 3 o'clock and started thinkin' about that drive home. Still a lot of water between me and car, but bailed to the road above the island and took a shortcut across the corner there at Panther Run with an itch to look for a possible riser in the flat water above. So I go to step across Panther, and think to myself, 'Wonder if I'll kick up any brookies??"

When wonder of wonders I look down into the little pool in front of me and there's this 13" or so brown laying there finning in the being the a$$ that I am, I grab the net and work it in in a Ninja like fashion and surprise! I've got a fish in the net...sure was purty.

But, boy did he look thin, and so did the flow coming down thru I hop skip jumped the 10yds or so along the cascade and let him loose back into Penn's, hoping he'll put some meat on those bones over the next couple weeks.

And yeah, did actually run across a couple sporadic risers there in the flat water, finally fooled one with an ant. Trout sure do like ants...

Just another fine fall day, good times.
I like this week's pictures better than the earlier ones in this thread. That was a good report.