Penns Green Drake hatch



A friend of mine wants to hit the green drake hatch on Penns. Tied a bunch of GD Clouser Drakes. What else should I be tying?

Went back through the Penns Creek posts and I have a couple questions.

What are the color of the GD nymphs, (cream vrs. olive) and are there other patterns I should have? (sulfers)

What I use for my nymphs - dubbing - 2 parts yellow and 1 part olive. that's just me though. You ask ten people what their drake pattern is - you will get 10 different answers.

On a side note on Penns - I was up there today and march browns were coming off. If you are planning to fish the green drake around memorial day - im thinking you are going to be 2 weeks late
i like wiggle nymphs they can be found on you tube 2 years ago i tied them to the approx length of a size 6 or 8 cast out and strip like hell i had a huge hit but missed it it hit like a ton of bricks thought i had a steelhead but there you only get one chance... pattern somewhat goes like this tail- 3 ginger ostrich herl back half cream/tan dubbing brushed out on the sides (for gills ) yellow brassie wire rib front half turkey wing case tan dubbing and i used pheasant flank for legs thats how i did it try this wiggle nymph
Here's another articulated (wiggle) nymph pattern.


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that nymph is rediculous!! looks like a 15-20 minute tie at least. if i snagged that i would be taking an icy swim to get it back...
i like lefty's tie better and with a green drake nymph you strip them in right? or am i wrong? you may lose a few but not that many if stripping them
Thanks for all the replies. I tried a couple wiggle nymphs this weekend (before I saw the oldlefty post) and mine suck, but I know what I did wrong (color, size, proportion, there's probably more).

I think you're suppose to throw the first three ties of any new pattern away. I can't bring myself to do it. They are just buggy/gnarly/previously chewed enough to catch something.

I'll try some more this weekend.


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