Penns conditions



Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Lititz, Pa
Does anyone know how Penns is doing? It can't be good. A friend of my wife's was up and said Penns is really low but people were catching trout at the mouth of Poe. Can't people give the trout a break?? With this heat it can't be good. On another note I was hoping to go camping soon and wondered how Poe Lake is these days. I haven't fished it for a while but back in the day, we caught enough pickerel to keep it interesting. The same person said she saw an 18 inch palomino caught the other day. I have a hard time believing many trout are left in there.
JeffP wrote:
Does anyone know how Penns is doing? It can't be good. A friend of my wife's was up and said Penns is really low but people were catching trout at the mouth of Poe. Can't people give the trout a break?? With this heat it can't be good. On another note I was hoping to go camping soon and wondered how Poe Lake is these days. I haven't fished it for a while but back in the day, we caught enough pickerel to keep it interesting. The same person said she saw an 18 inch palomino caught the other day. I have a hard time believing many trout are left in there.

No doubt, too warm to fish for trout. Bruce from Penns Creek Angler closed the shop for the most part reporting temps well into the 70's and is promoting smallie fishing on FB here and the same for Jonas at the Feathered Hook here.

Good idea switching to warmwater species in the warm water.
Poe Lake is a very nice place to go for a swim in the summer. So a camping trip there could still be fun. And you could go for walks on the old railroad grade and through the tunnel in the morning when it's cool. Build a campfire in the evening and make smores...

I fished some private water on Penns two weeks ago near the cavern and water was 61 degrees. Son and I caught some giants. Fished Spruce day before and had another great day some some real hogs.
But most people aren't fishing Penn's near the cave on private land/water.....yeah, give Penn's a break as well as the trout on most of our streams.

Poe Lake is okay..I fish it about once a year. Definitely plenty of pickerel, small largemouths, and sunfish. Its......okay. if I were staying back there I'd take the short drive through the mountains to fish Walker Lake instead.
I just got back from a week of camping in Poe Valley on Sunday. Did basically what Troutbert mentioned. Big Poe below the dam was 72 when it was cooler during the day. Full of crayfish, sculpins and dace. I imagine Penns was about the same, but we didnt bother to measure. Penns is down about two feet from when we were up last year about three weeks earlier. Plenty of crayfish and tubers. Big Poe below where little dumps in was cool and held some small browns. Nobody fishing there.

IMO, Poe lake is full of educated fish. During the week there was always about ten people fishing it. Nobody else fly fishing. I caught some blue gills on flies, but when one got caught, you had to switch flies because the others wouldn't take a look again. My sister did well on a gurgler of her own design in the evening, early night time. Caught a smallish bass and some more panfish. Did not see any trout or pickerel.
Anyone who fishes for trout at the mouth of a cold feeder stream in the middle of a hot dry summer should have their fishing rights revoked. Not enough money in the world to fix stupid!!
Thanks for the responses! We are hoping to camp August 8-9.
With fishing license sales up +20% it becomes more difficult to educate the masses. Just saying.