Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay Alaska



Sep 17, 2006
I know it may not be in our backyard but I am very upset about the plans that I have been reading about in fly fishing magazines and websites regarding the proposed "Pebble Mine" in the Bristol Bay watershed. It sounds like a complete disaster and even many of the state's pro-mining leaders are against it because of the possible ecological implications.

Basically, they want to create a massive open pit gold/copper mine at the headwaters of the Bristol Bay fishery. The proposed mine would require the company to build a two mile long massive reservoir behind an earthen dam to hold the waste water and mine trailings. The problem is that the company just intends to create the earthen dam within a mile of the headwaters and it intends to leave the mine trailings their when the mining there has run its course. The companies involved have a very bad safety and environmental record (Forbes called the CEO of one of the companies the #1 Polluter in the US).

Another issue with this mine is that it sits in a massive earthquake zone which could mean that the earth dam may be destabilized if a quake were to happen, causing drainage into the watershed.

Write TU or your senator and get them involved to stop this absurd plan.