Patriot on Memorial Day



Active member
Feb 23, 2009
Fished a Meck's Patriot and a PT dropper on Memorial Day. It was an accident and I only thought about afterwards. I was just looking for something easy to see and floated well.

Did quite well. About 50/50.

I got to thinking about it and I may do it on purpose next Memorial day.

Any thoughts on a dropper to round out the crew? It doesn't have to be Red, White and Blue. The name alone could swing the idea.

If this was covered in a previous post before my apologies. Sometimes original ideas spring from things that we've read in the past and have forgotten. Getting old sucks.
Forgot to to mention, 50/50 is just an expression of half on the dropper and half on the dry.

Real number was 8 on the dropper and 7 on the dry.
I thought it was required that you fish a green weenie dropper off a patriot.
That fly confuses me to no end. Why don't you try to create a nymph form, maybe a patriot prince?
tri colored copper john would look good.
barrybarry wrote:
Forgot to to mention, 50/50 is just an expression of half on the dropper and half on the dry.

Real number was 8 on the dropper and 7 on the dry.

Thanks for clearing that up. I was 50/50 on whether to believe your 50/50 fish distribution claim.
The Patriot is one of my top 3 go-to flies for small wild streams where the trout are looking up. I don't drop this time of year, but when I do, PT is what I drop from it. Now, this doesn't match your theme!

There is a Patriot Nymph.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
The Patriot is one of my top 3 go-to flies for small wild streams where the trout are looking up.

As stated by others, those fish will hit a cigarette butt. :p
Pine needles lashed together on a hook.
Thanks for all the help.

I never knew there was a Patriot Nymph.

I think I'll try Frequent Tyer's advice and create a Red, White and Blue Prince Nymph. (white biots, red thorax and a little blue flash)
