Patagonia Wading Boots



New member
Mar 28, 2007
Anyone have any experience with any of their boots, specifically the Riverwalkers? I'm thinking about getting a pair after my Orvis Battenkill Brogues lost their felts. One version of the Riverwalkers have a rubber "sticky sole" and Im curious as to how well these work compared to felts. Also, Im leaning towards getting the studded felts, to keep the soles from falling off like they did with my last boots, and was wondering what the main advantages studded soles have over non-studded felts.
I started using studded boots a year ago. There is a noticeable difference in the slippage factor for the better with the studs. I do generally wade in very slippery places. One thing I have noticed about the studs is that some time the work too well. I mean my foot sticks more than I want it to and the extra stress is making for more sore knees. Probably just me on that one though, since I am fat. I have never had the boots you have mentioned. I recently purchased simms g3's and have been pleased.
I too have wondered about these boots, I've had my eye on them as a replacement pair and for winter fishing. But the sticky version. I've got a pair of Simms Rivertek boots right now with studded felt and the advantage to them is that they bite extremely well on rocks and slippery surfaces in the stream. I'm not so sure that by having the studs the felt will hold up significantly better, but if it's traction you're after, studs are great. If you're concerned about the felt wearing out, you might want to consider the sticky soles. Simms has boots with aquastealth and studs, that might be a good choice too.

I'm curious to hear feedback on the Patagonia boots though, if any of you have them or have used them, please share your experiences.
Sorry, Jaybo, I haven't tried the actual Patagonia boots, you've mentioned. I've always found their items priced much, much, to high in order to include about a 45% additional mark up so one can have "their name showing" on their gear.
However, I HAVE owned and HAVE worn, two, different pairs of "Aquastealth" soled wading boots. You'll notice that I use the terms "HAVE owned and HAVE worn", both past tense because after several trips with each pair of Aquastealth boots, I couldn't WAIT to get back home again and get the things on E-bay and out of my gear line up!
Maybe, others, have had good luck with this; "newest, latest, sticky rubber breakthrough", but the only "breakthrough" that I HAD was nearly to break my bones, upon falling down on large and small rocks!!
I'm being 100% honest, when I say this.................. I saw absolutely NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever, between the Aquastealth rubber soles and my every day, rubber soled, hiking boots, when it got down to traction and slipping, on wet or algae covered rocks and logs!!
As for "felts with studs, keeping the felt on longer" it's actually the opposite, of what can happen with this set up. The studs, of a stud/felt set up, doesn't in any way, connect the felts and studs together. In fact, on all the felt/stud boot I've owned or still own, every place that there's a STUD, there's LESS area of the FELT that's glued to the bed of the boot itself.
So, even though you're walking and wading, "up on the studs and not directly on the felt", the felts are STILL not anchored as well as they might have been, had there been no studs to begin with.
I used to fight this same dilemma, you're facing until I found my "Ultimate wading boot" for stocking foot, or wet wading!
"Korkers Brand" of wading boots, with the "convertible sole system"! I've worn everything over the years, from Danner's to Hodgmen, to L.L.Bean to Gary Borger's, to you name it. But, I'd never had as comfortable of a wadding boot, until I bought my pair of Korkers boots!
I won't go into an advertisment, for them, HERE except to say....... "when I hike into far away waters, for a mile or three, I'm wearing a hiking boot with a hiking boot sole. Once I arrive at my destination, I take my felts, or my felt/stud, soles, out of the rear vest pocket, switch out the two soles and I'm good to go!
On the hike, back out, I again exchange felts for rubber hiking soles and I'm off! Since there are 5 different, soles, available for these boots, they cover an and all wading scenarios one's libel to encounter!!
Recently, I went to a local fly shop to purchase a pair of the Simms wading shoes with the AquaStealth soles. I had been told by a friend that they gave him very good traction in slippery conditions. The clerk informed me that they were currently sold out but, he did have Patagonia River Walkers Sticky, which he said, have the same type of sole. He said that he uses them and is very pleased with them. So I decided to give them a try. I was very disappointed with the performance first time out on a local freestone river. I don't know how similar the rubber of the Patagonia is to the Simms. But, I do know that Patagonia does not say AquaStealth in their advertisements. Nor does the Stealth Rubber company include Patagonia as a business partner on their web site. I was thinking that the Simms may still be a viable choice. After reading the above, I'm not so sure they would be any better. Other things I have read suggest that there is still nothing better than studded felt for traction.
I like the Aqua Stealth. But ya gotta have em with studs. I bought a studless pair a couple of years ago. I was fishing with RyanH and he suggested that I place sheet metal screws in the soles. It worked and now I have them with studs. Are they as gripping as felts ? Can I live with it ? Yes

I have never had Patagonia Boots but I am a big believer in their products and Philosophy. Also they stand behind their products. If you have never read Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman You should. Yvon Chouinard is a cool cat.

I like them for the following: They don't collect mud and dirt like the felts. I like to hike when I fish and not having a dirt spong on my foot helps with trail traction. Additionally, I like to get in the car with the wader and boots and drive to other streams. Cuts the dirt way down in the car.

It is a trade off but one I like
I agree with Bruno's observations about the Aquastealths. I've owned the LL Bean and Simms versions. I liked the Simms better, the boot is softer and lighter. Which makes it easier to walk in. The Bean's provide more ankle support, if that is important to you than go with that one.

I like the studded version. I've never had a problem with traction. Although, I agree with the gentleman who said sometimes is too much of a good thing. You can't "slide" your foot in these boots.

I'd like to add that in the winter, the Aquastealths have the distinct advantage of not collecting snow. This is a big one in my opinion.
I can't comment on the Patagonia boots, but I would recommend Chota's. They are the most comfortable boot I've ever worn. They are very light, especially compared to the simms I have. I've hiked several miles in them during some fishing trip and never felt uncomfortable. The come with and without studs. Give them a try if you have somewhere near you that sells them. If you live near Hamburg, Cabelas has them.