Parachute Hackle Size


Active member
Sep 11, 2006
I find that hackle size (and this is 'officially' sized hackle) that corresponds with the hook size makes for parachute flies that land on their side. I try to keep the wing post made out of light material, like sparse snow shoe hare or CDC instead of a feather or calf tail. Some commercially tied parachutes have really short wing posts, but I want a respectable wing profile. I thought using bigger hackle might help. I haven't played with it yet, except that I tie a parachute-style spinner, but it has very little wing post and a very long hackle.
What is your experience?

From the master. Check about 6:40 mark for hackle sizing.
Before tying a fly i havent tied in a while, i usually check in with Craven, Ord Clark, McPhail and others to refresh my mind and to pick up tying tips i may have forgotten or didnt know.

This one was fresh in my mind as i tied a few over the weekend
I tie my parachutes sparsely and the weight of the hook bend orients the fly on the water. With the wonders of Gink and silicone gels, I don't need the best genetic hackle. I also use the 'inferior' necks with uneven fiber lengths here. I like the look of the denser hackle profile.