Paflyfish on the Cutting Room Floor

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Last October I received an interesting email from someone in Hollywood. I took notice to this as I don't get many emails from Tinsel Town as most of my posse is right coast based.

Could it be they were looking to shoot a River Runs through It II and the wanted a young fresh face to help consult? Man I would love to go out west again. Maybe they were coming East to shoot the Bridges of Lancaster County with Clint Eastwood as he fished Donegal Creek and needed someone to guide the man with no name around? Big fan of Clint movies. All very novel ideas, but my youth and talent are more likely found in faded pictures than than on the credits of some blockbuster movie.

Interestingly, they did want my approval for the use of the of the Paflyfish website in a scene for an action movie. Makes sense to me because what can be riveting than a sulphur hatch on a stream or a spot burn debate in the forum?

As it turns out director Simon West is shooting The Mechanic which is based on the old 1972 version of the movie by the same name with Charles Bronson. Jason Statham and Donald Sutherland are in this new action-thriller centered on an assassin and his apprentice.

Somehow during the movie they will be chasing some bad guy, probably someone who spot burned a stream, and wind up doing research on Paflyfish to track this guy down.

I honestly think the chances of the website being mentioned or shown in the movie are as remote as me fishing with Clint Eastwood, but it sounds fun. And who knows this may just be some new marketing stunt for movie companies to approach hundreds of blogs and websites teasing they with fame for a blog post like this.

Movie due in December 2010. See you on the cutting from floor!

WE ARE FAMOUS!!! HI MOM!!! :lol:
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WE ARE FAMOUS!!! HI MOM!!! :lol:
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WE ARE FAMOUS!!! HI MOM!!! :lol:
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I vote for the "Sounds like a clever viral marketing ploy" option...
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I vote for the "Sounds like a clever viral marketing ploy" option...
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I vote for the "Sounds like a clever viral marketing ploy" option...
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Thats really cool and also really funny :lol:

Im now worried some action hero is going to track me down ;-)
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Thats really cool and also really funny :lol:

Im now worried some action hero is going to track me down ;-)
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Thats really cool and also really funny :lol:

Im now worried some action hero is going to track me down ;-)
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I would have extorted a few bucks or a new fly rod out of them first. If there is publicity for this site, I doubt it will be positive. Then again, any mention is a good mention, depending how you see things. Might have to expand the bandwidth.
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I would have extorted a few bucks or a new fly rod out of them first. If there is publicity for this site, I doubt it will be positive. Then again, any mention is a good mention, depending how you see things. Might have to expand the bandwidth.
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I would have extorted a few bucks or a new fly rod out of them first. If there is publicity for this site, I doubt it will be positive. Then again, any mention is a good mention, depending how you see things. Might have to expand the bandwidth.
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