paflyfish ball cap



Well-known member
Aug 12, 2009
I would like to publicly thank Maurice for sending me a paflyfish ball cap to see if I like it, which I do. I will mail him a $20.00 bill on Monday. I like the cap and the color.

That was very nice of him to do especially since I have never even shaken his hand let alone even met him.

I don't wear ball caps that often, and when I do they are almost always pertaining to the University of North Carolina since my daughter is about to start her Sophomore year there.

Thank You Maurice.

All that joy for $20.
......awe shucks!
I guess well keep him... hahaha.

Post a pic of the hat now!
These are nice hats! I found one laying in the parking lot at Slate Run Tackle a few weeks ago. Looked brand new. I tried to locate the owner with no luck.
Its yours, you're welcome! LOL..I left it there for you to find. now send me $20.
They are nice hats for sure!
I bought one with the royal wolf on it at least 5 years or more ago now.
And it's pretty beat up and tattered now.
I'll have to pick up another one sometime. Maybe you'll have them at next years jamboree - which I plan on attending?
I will sporting my ball cap today when I go to local bars. I kind of like when other patrons say to me: "You don't really look like a fly fisherman." I think that I look like anyone else.

As a canoe tripper, it is very important to be tackle flexible. I catch a lot more warm water fish than I do trout on canoe trips. The water levels and temperatures dictate that.

I can post a whole lot of information of where one can actually catch a trout on a canoe trip in the waters/rivers that I know, which would be PA, NC, VA, and WV.

I'm a story teller. I'll eventually tell those stories.