
Sep 9, 2006
Are stocking schedules and stream section maps available on the PAFBC ?

Meant to say PAFBC web site
Based on the usual timing, the schedule should not be out yet. IF C-19 is expected to again prevent volunteers from helping stock and if last year’s protocol is followed, the schedule will not be released. It was released then withdrawn last year. I have read that there is discussion taking place as to how to accommodate a volunteers again, but as everyone knows by now, what is and isn’t permitted due to C-19 changes with great frequency. So stay tuned around March 1 when all stocking begins and in Feb when sometimes some DH and CRFFO sections are stocked.
I love the stocking of trout! I love the wild trout but wild can never sustain the masses! Too much leaks in the conservation world! It could change after we lose it all! Then again, how many will care!
maxima12 wrote:
I love the stocking of trout! I love the wild trout but wild can never sustain the masses! Too much leaks in the conservation world! It could change after we lose it all! Then again, how many will care!
Maxi, when things seem bleak, I can always count on you to make me laugh. I mean that it a good way. Thanks. Have a healthy, happy, and safe 2021.