PA Must Fish List



May 7, 2007
Want to spend some time exploring and realize this state has a wealth of great trout water. What's on everyone's must fish list?
Famous SC limestoners:
Big Spring

Central PA:
Spring Creek
Little Juniata
Fishing Creek

Eastern PA:
Lackawanna River
Little Lehigh
Valley Creek

Big Stocked Trout Water
Pine Creek
Youghiogheny River
Yellow Breeches
Lehigh River

Those will keep you busy for a very long time and only scratch the surface of what PA has to offer. I will not name any small wild trout streams on this list.
That's a good list, I've checked many of those already but need to spend more time in Central PA. Kettle Creek/Potter County in general is on the list. The Lackawanna is another I've been wanting to try for some time. Funny you mention the Lehigh, this idea dawned on me yesterday while fishing there for the first time.
As rivers and fish go I rarely fish my favorite stream and and I rarely fish for Trout. I wish I liked trout more but I haven't mustered it yet. though I do learn immense amounts about presentation and ecological significance and preference from FFmen... Its I'm portent to have balance and to be fair almost all the WW streams I've liked start as cold water trout trickles way way upstream.
That being said the Delaware is my favorite.
The fish are missing and the water is purple and 110 degrees with tires and trash floating the whole legnth. I venture you should all stay far away. :cool: ;-) ;-)
The "must fish" list is going to be pretty repetitive as no one is going to give out 'secret" streams on a public forum.

Once you get past a handful of super well know waters, there are several good PA-specific books out there that are likely to point you into the direction of streams that are well known, and not so well known. I doubt anyone here is going to give you more, or more variety of ideas then these:
PennKev wrote:
The "must fish" list is going to be pretty repetitive as no one is going to give out 'secret" streams on a public forum.

Once you get past a handful of super well know waters, there are several good PA-specific books out there that are likely to point you into the direction of streams that are well known, and not so well known. I doubt anyone here is going to give you more, or more variety of ideas then these:

These are some very good resources to get the ball rolling and don't forget the PFBC arcgis map to plan out trips.
Not looking for anyone's honey hole but more interested in streams that have some historical significance or habitat that is particular to PA.
I probably fish about 50 days/year but it is mostly on the same handful of streams in SEPA but realize there is so much more out there.

PennKev wrote:
The "must fish" list is going to be pretty repetitive as no one is going to give out 'secret" streams on a public forum.

Once you get past a handful of super well know waters, there are several good PA-specific books out there that are likely to point you into the direction of streams that are well known, and not so well known. I doubt anyone here is going to give you more, or more variety of ideas then these:
PennKev wrote:
The "must fish" list is going to be pretty repetitive as no one is going to give out 'secret" streams on a public forum.

Once you get past a handful of super well know waters, there are several good PA-specific books out there that are likely to point you into the direction of streams that are well known, and not so well known. I doubt anyone here is going to give you more, or more variety of ideas then these:

Meh give it a couple posts....someone will start listing some of those more fragile waterways. Just wait...
Every so often on this site, a thread comes up asking what people would choose as their top 5 - or 10 - PA trout streams.

And usually the top 5 are, in no particular order:

Spring Creek
Fishing Creek
Penns Creek
Little Juniata
Delaware River.

And I honestly would agree with those picks. Even though I do have several other favorites, that are not quite as well known or talked about.

To me though, the Delaware River is a very special place.
And IMO, is kinda like taking a trip out west.

I've been going up there for almost 40 years.
And still get a certain excitement during the final leg of the trip, that I just don't quite get with the others.
And being that it's about a 7 hour drive for me, I guess I have to really like it to invest that kind of time

I've also been kinda puzzled by how many other good fly fishermen I've met over the years, who have never tried it.

Anyway, I think it's a must fish for every PA fisherman - at least once.
Delaware is def on the list.
The purpose of the famous streams is to keep people away from the really good streams.

I read that somewhere.
On the other hand, it seems to me that the famous streams have become that way for a reason - they're good!
dryflyguy wrote:
On the other hand, it seems to me that the famous streams have become that way for a reason - they're good!

^ Yes

Everyone that enjoys fly-fishing in PA should give some of the big-named streams/rivers a try.

The Delaware River, Penns, the Lehigh among other streams and rovers are very rewarding to fish and experience, whether you catch a bunch or not.
dryflyguy wrote:
I've also been kinda puzzled by how many other good fly fishermen I've met over the years, who have never tried it.

Personally, I'm astounded by people I come across who fish religiously but have never fished the LJR, Spring, Penns, etc. I'm talking guys who fish multiple days every week, rain or shine, flood or drought, who will drive an hour plus to fish Oil Creek or the Erie tribs, but won't spend some extra driving time to fish quality, wild trout on streams that are about as close to a sure thing as you can get.
Falling Spring should make your SC list too
I have fished all the mentioned top streams at least once. The only one mentioned that I absolutely loved was Penns.

Once you find quality streams in your backyard, it's hard to drive a couple of hours to a stream that is equal or less than of quality (IMO). Yes, I live in the Poconos and it has better wild trout streams than other parts of the state but I love the statement somebody said above about famous streams keeping people away from good streams.....+1!

You mention wanting to fish "historical" streams. I can't think of a more historical stream than Brodhead Creek. Most will agree it's where American fly fishing began. The pioneers fished there before the Catskills. It's not a great wild trout fishery if fished in Stroudsburg but above and below can make you feel like you're fishing next to Thadeus Norris 100+ years ago.
PennKev, I'm one of those guys, never fished those three, maybe someday when I retire
I think the big two areas are Cumberland valley (letort, big spring, falling springs), and central county (spring, penns, bfc, little juniata). Out of those to Areas, my favorites are letort and bfc. To me, the upper delaware is in NY...

This is the first I heard that the broadhead is the birthplace of fly fishing in America. I agree its historic but the Catskill are more widely referred to as the birthplace- i have no idea if its true though.
I think you have to add Lake Erie to the list. Yes there are crowds for steelhead but it's a must to experience it at some time. Also the Spring run smallmouth can be some of the best in the state.
I like what I've seen of L. Erie.
I was at the Agway in North East for a sales stop a few years ago and at lunchtime I went down to the lake at a creek mouth and it was full of tame smallmouth. They'd follow you all along as it looking for treats. I think it was just post spawn or so. How do you target this fish with a Flyrod once they leave the creek for the lake. Are they worth pursuing or are they too deep for Fly gear to remain fun.