PA House Bill HB 2235 - Marcellus Drilling



Active member
Oct 15, 2009
Lancaster, PA
Email received from TU . . . . . .

Thanks for your help and support in protecting Pennsylvania state forest lands. The Pennsylvania House passed HB 2235 on May 4 . The bill would place a three-year moratorium on natural gas exploration, drilling or production on state forest land. The bill will now will move to the Pennsylvania Senate for a vote.

Key components of the bill include:

* A three -year moratorium on leasing state forest lands for the purposes of natural gas exploration, drilling or production.

* The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) shall prepare a comprehensive environmental impact review which assesses and evaluates the impacts of exploration, pad development, drilling, road and bridge development, collection and transmission lines, compressor stations, treatment plants, waste disposal and water withdrawals on state forest land.

* The Legislative Budget and Finance Committee will conduct their own study (upon completion of the DCNR study) with regards to the environmental, economic and societal impacts of leasing state lands for Marcellus development to determine whether Pennsylvania state agencies have sufficient resources and personnel to effectively oversee and regulate Marcellus development on state forest leased lands.

Thanks again for your support.

Steve Moyer
Vice President for Government Affairs

Deb Nardone
Coldwater Resource Specialist, PA Council of Trout Unlimited

Dave Rothrock
Chair, Pennsylvania Council, Trout Unlimited