PA Hatches Ahead of Schedule?



Jan 11, 2011
Guess I will start this annual post...

This winter has been seemingly mild. Anyone thinking or better yet seeing the normal spring hatches starting a little earlier.

I remember a few years back the Sulfurs being out in full force by the end of April. Not sure if this year portends to that, but it has been pretty mild regarding temperatures and flows are quite low enough to make dry fly fishing more of an option.

Thoughts? And yes I know the bugs will hatch when they hatch and that nasty weather may return...just curious what has been observed or speculated.

I think things will be ahead. I saw a mean caddis hatch (not sure what kind) a week or two ago in NY.

No snow melt, no frozen ground, no mercy.
This is nothing more than speculation but I think at least our first hatches (like the grannoms) will be ahead of schedule by maybe a week or so. However, I saw on accuweather that the "polar vortex" is poised to dip far enough south for a few days in the beginning of April to funnel very cold air (for this time of year anyway) into our area with le snow and all that so we'll just have to see.
evw659 wrote:
"polar vortex"
I can't wait until the media unlatches from this catchphrase...
We had a very mild winter until mid january.
Then the second half of the winter was kinda normal IMO - although when it did get cold and snow, it warmed up a few days later, and the white stuff was quickly gone.

Judging by the way the flowers are already out in my yard - daffodils and forsythias have been blooming for almost 2 weeks now - I think the hatches are gonna be early.
Probably not quite as early as they were in 2012, when grannoms and hendricksons hatched the last week of march.
But at least 1 - maybe 2 - weeks ahead of schedule.
I'm thinking grannoms on the little j by the 2nd week of april
Yes hatches will be early to on time. Need to remember the 2012-2015 we had some late cold springs.

Green Drakes at the Jam.

Along with the threat of "polar vortex" I'm also fearful of a derecho. To be specific that the media will start over using it for any old cold front blows in with wind and lightning. The only thing better than overhyped weather is overhyped shark deaths. Thinking 2016 will be a banner year. Only if there was a movie that tied in extreme weather events and shark attacks?
I'll add a guess the hatches will be a tad early this year. We sure could use a little rain. Streams are starting off low like last year.
krayfish2 wrote:
I'll add a guess the hatches will be a tad early this year. We sure could use a little rain. Streams are starting off low like last year.

Yep. I spent April Fallfish fishing last year...and the occasional Bass.
Hatches are going to be early if this pattern holds a couple more weeks. I really do hope for some soaking rain soon or this could be a short trout season on some streams.
The term polar vertex does describe accurately just what the thing is physically, but it being used as a means of sensationalizing it is certainly annoying.
evw659 wrote:
The term polar vertex does describe accurately just what the thing is physically, but it being used as a means of sensationalizing it is certainly annoying.
It is entirely accurate, but I think the media gets paid a commission on dropping the catchphrase.
dkile wrote:
Only if there was a movie that tied in extreme weather events and shark attacks?
The greatest movie franchise ever is coming back in July!!!