PA Grand Canyon Trip



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Hi Gang,

My sons BSA troop is hoping to do a canoe trip throuogh the PA Grand Canyon in late (3rd week) August. I said I'd look into the logistics. Other than suggesting we may need to take some water, and that I have stayed at Pettycoat Jucntion once for a Jamboree, I know nothing about the area upstream of Cedar and downstream of Galeton. (ie; The PA Grand Canyon)

Some of you live around there, Could ya help a handfula flatlanders with the float details? We will be there from Weds thru Sunday, Floating Three days. (8/16, 17, 18). We will be hauling canoes there so that is not an issue. What about shuttles? Maybe someone would like to make $20 to take us back to the cars?

1. Where can we put in/take out?

2. Is there camping allowed along the river (outside of campgrounds).

3. What are some of the distances between Launch points?

We will also be working on the Fly Fishing and Fishing Merit Badges during the trip so fishing suggestions although not a priority are welcome. (I think I can figure that one out)

Anyway, just looking to jump-start my research. PM, me, answer here, give websites suggestions, etc.

Thanks in advance for your help.

I looked into it once and all I can remember is that it looked like fun. I was looking into a hike not a float, though . I seem to remember that camping along the river was not a problem since there wouldn't really be anyone there to say no. You will probably catch more smallmouth than anything else. And your launch and takeout options are few which actually makes planning easier. That's about all I remember off-hand. I'm sure you'll get many and better responses.
check ot the web site for pine creek outfitters. they are located in ansonia(?). i believe its less than a mile up route 6 from sand fly's new shop. i know you can put in at ansonia, theres a boat launch there. but you could put in upstreams. camping i'm really not sure of. i know of the one place in the canyon along the stream, tiadaughton(?). you will need a camping permit. free from dcnr. think you can print them out on the computer. that web site should have the info. you need. good luck


I fish in the canyon a lot and have floated it a few times.
Most people float it in the spring when the water level is up.
By August, you probably will be doing a lot of pulling and pushing.
Also, the water will likely be too warm for trout then - but there are a lot of bass in the stream.
There are some beautiful spots for camping between tiadaughton and blackwell - you need to get a permit from the DCNR.
You can also camp at Tiadaughton, which has water and toilets.
It's 18 miles from Ansonia to Blackwell - a lot of people float the upper half the first day, then on to Blackwell on day 2.
If you decide to go in the springtime, - it gets very crowded on weekends. I've seen groups of 30 - 40 canoes and more coming down together, and it sure puts the fish down for a while after they pass thru. Because of that, I rarely ever fish there on weekends anymore
But it sure is beautiful in there
Hey there,

Actually I too am in the process of planning the same type of trip, however, I plan to float early in the summer. Yes that Pine Creek Outfitters is the place to go for planning a float on Pine. I contacted them just yesterday about purchasing a water trail map and this was there response:

Yes, we sell a set of waterproof maps from Galeton to Waterville for $4 + $1shipping +6% sales tax. We accept any major credit card, and you can order by phoning us at 570-724-3003 (normal hours 9-5 M-Sat; Noon - 5 Sunday).
P.S. Normal season when you can plan a trip is mid-March through early June.

I hope that helps, PA fish and Boat consider the float a river trail however they do not have any mapping!!

Also note Chuck's "P.S." I believe he is indicating water levels are right for a float during these months, I'm not sure though.

I figured on getting these maps then planning my stays along the Pine which is all state forest and you do not need a permit if you (1) plan on staying one night and (2) are not car camping which we are not.

Thanks, Pat.
A float trip during a typical August would be one miserable trip. Like stated above, there'd be more pushing and pulling than anything, and progress would be really slow. There are several places to put in right in Gaines and Galeton below the dam. Once you have your mind made up give me a yell.
Thanks everybody...I am learning what I wanted to learn. And it appears this is not the time to do this. I will look into other options, other time of year, different body of water, etc.

I appreciate the responses.

Rails to Trails Bike Path runs through the same territory. Why not consider a bike trip? You could stash your gear in vehicles in Tiadaughton. Get dropped off in Ansonia and ride to Tiadaughton(8 miles if I remember right) and spend the night. Pack up, send the drivers to Blackwell to wait for the riders.

Probably need 4WD to access Tiadaughton though.
Another possibility would be Tioga Hammond. Great country and good fishing. Whether they have primitive campsites I don't know. You could check with the US Corps of Engineers.
Another idear here....Youth Field Days are held at Tioga Hammond the weekend of August 18th. Local WCOs from the PGC, the PFBC and local sportsman put the show on. Gun safety, rifle shooting, archery, fly tying, fishing are just a few of the activities. A few merit badges in the making? If you are interested, I can put you in touch with the folks that you need to talk to.