Pa Fly Casting Pre - Comp tune up - 8/24/14



Active member
Oct 11, 2009
We will be laying out a mock up of last year's course. Granted it wont be dead on but it will be close. Anyone is welcomed to join us for fun casting and fellowship. We will meet in Milesburg around noon so you can get some morning fishing done. This is a pre-comp tune up and the courses will be for those serious about tuning up their cast. We had a lot of fun last year and look forward to seeing you there. Please comment if you plan on making it. Cheers!
So far it's Derek and me. Got to be some others interested. Let's get a list of folks. Shane, you indicated you're planning on coming, right?
I do have intentions. Just can not commit fully yet.
When, where, etc? Not sure I can make it but all I can piece together is 8-24-14 at noon in Milesburg. Little more info please.

How good are the hacks in the am bracket? I don't want to waste my time or someone else's if I'll finish on the bottom of the pile.
Krayfish2, I'll respond this way.

In any bracket, there are variables which contribute to the performance of the competitors: good or bad day, wind/weather, etc. I don't know your capability with a fly rod as I don't know the capability of anyone at this point in time. So much depends on the practice strategy and investment of practice time of the individual.

All that to really say that I believe anyone has a shot. Those who are willing to pay the entry fee and participate I would hope would also strive practice and put forth their best effort.

The get-together on 8/24 is open to anyone, not just those who are planning to compete. I enjoy getting together and casting/talking casting with fellow flyrodders. I enjoy the sharing of knowledge.

Krayfish & K2 are the same Andy. You've seen me cast at least 4-5 different times. You and jdaddy watched me cast over at boy scout pond at Penns Jam and helped wl casting at newbie spring event last 3 yrs. Must not have been very impressive. LOL
See my post number 44

Re: Fly Casting Competition - Carlisle, 6 Sep 2014

You can beat that guy...right?

I can dump an entire fly line and 40 yards of pulling it off the reel and laying it on the ground. Don't even have to cast. :-D.

Seriously, that's great he can throw it 87' with a 3 weight. Question....why would you? I never claimed to be an great caster. Hell, never even claimed to be a good caster. I'm simply going off the suggestions of guys I've fished with a fair amount. Can I cast it far? I don't really know. Never measured a cast. I think I'm pretty accurate which is where I'd do better than trying to hurl 90' casts. Never thought of casting as a comp....just curious and could pick up some good tips / info.

You enter and I will. See who does better.
Thanks for the clarification Andy. Now I know.

Come on up and join in the fun. Hey, we'll be able to chat, too ;-0

As for why would you, I've done it and it's good to know someone can. Besides, there's the casting efficiency thing, too...

There is no need for me to enter, since I know I can not make two casts alike at any distance. Instead I embrace the suck and use it to my advantage of adding automatic randomness to my presentation.

If I had one of them there fancy rods paired with a good line, more than 2-years experience...then watch out.

Either way, I could still outcast Becker...just sayin
just to clarify for anyone who might think otherwise, the competition and the tune up are not "pissing contests". no one cares how far you cast or how accurate you are. we are all there to learn and improve together. this is about having fun and getting better. come out and have some fun, challenge yourself and learn something!

Sorry for detracting from your intended message for the post. I have much to learn. I do enjoy the challenge.

As mentioned above...more specific info to come?
no apology needed. I guess it is hard to convey how laid back the tune-up is.

"Competitions" like this can be misunderstood. While there will be awards given out on Sept 6 the essence of this event is not to rank anyone. It is to share our insight, and passion for the pursuit of excellence. At the tune up and comp you will find "competitors" helping each other improve before and after the first and last loops are cast.

A great fly caster told me last year that all you can do is your best for that day. Whatever the outcome of the comp, the results are only true for that day. So you can be the best or the worst on any given day.

My favorite part about these meets is the improvements I make from participating, both as a caster and casting instructor. Which in turn makes for some incredible opportunities when hunting heads on the water.

as far as details I guess we will just meet where we did last year. any other suggestions?
Where is that for those who weren't there last year? Do I just drive around milesburg until I see fly casters?
Drive back toward the park its in the field on the right under the powerline. There will be a vertical casting comp using wire braid for the detractors. LOL
So to be sure…

Is this the location?
Yeah but prior to arriving at the park proper...but fet there and u will find them. Its in the near side of the Spring Creek. The park is across the bridge.
I'm sure I'll be making an appearance.