PA Fly Casting Comp right around the corner, how's your practice going?



Jan 30, 2007
Well, well, approximately 11:30 a.m. today I proceeded to destroy my SECOND Orvis Helios when practicing distance casts. I also pulled a muscle in my leg in the process. Almost put me down on the ground; however, I believe I'll still be able to compete, although I may not be 100%. Time (not much left) will tell.

How's everyone else doing?
Bummer about the rod and muscle Dave. Hope you heal quick.

I've been practicing alot for the comp. My distance cast has improved, thanks to you and Derek. I've been casting to the rabbits and squirrels out back every night for accuracy practice. Spooked a trophy rabbit last night when my yarn landed at his feet. Haha Have to stop casting around 8:30 every night when the bats started swooping in on me and my line. Had one come a little too close for comfort last night.

I'm really looking forward to the comp. See ya there.
Dave - sorry to hear that. I hope our folks in manchester can get you a new rod quick. As for the muscle, perhaps this will bring you down to our mere-mortal level. All jokes aside I hope heal quickly, the comp won't be the same without you.

Chris - you were in good shape last week I am sure you will do well. If it helps, I visualized fish when I stepped up to the box last year. It cleared my mind and I was able to focus on my fish and not anything else.

Everyone - Looks like the weather might be an issue this year. I wonder what the contingency plan is? I have off for the day. If anyone would like to meet for breakfast before let me know I would enjoy that. Also, I plan on attending the CVTU last supper, should be a good time with fellow fly rodders. Anyone interested in hanging out for the day hit me up.

See you in carlisle!
OldLefty wrote:
I proceeded to destroy my SECOND Orvis Helios when practicing distance casts. I also pulled a muscle in my leg in the process. Almost put me down on the ground; however, I believe I'll still be able to compete, although I may not be 100%.

Ya snagged a low flying airplane, didn't ya. How many times do I have to tell you to watch out for those! :lol:

Just remember - Old Lefty at 75% is still a force to be reckoned with. You don't have to throw your absolute best cast to win. Just chuck out a typical run of the mill Southpaw bomb, and you'll do very well.

Tim - Just do what you did last year. Your calm and collected attitude gave you a HUGE advantage. You can do it again. Remember, the guy that won had one lucky bomb, and didn't risk getting penalized in the accuracy portion. You can beat him.

My prediction for the event: A PAFF member will win.

Good Luck guys, wish I could be there to cheer you on!
Ok, since this is in a couple days...what time does the action start/end on Saturday...I could not pin down a link with specifics?

I would like to watch and then head over to the CVTU "Last Supper" at Vince's Meadow at 5 PM. Those Pulled Pork Sandwiches and Smoked Sauges are sounding pretty good...
Comp. starts at 11am. and is predicted to end around 2-3pm. We just need to hope the weather cooperates.