Pa Angler



Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Lititz, Pa
I saw most of the old Pa Angler is available on the internet. Its pretty cool going back and looking at old issues. I read them a lot back when I was young, and there are a lot that remain vivid in my mind. There is a lot of history there and and some interesting perspectives on things. I know its asking a lot but it would be great if you could search by topic. For instance, one was one Penn's Creek that I think was called "Wild, Clean, and Free" or something like that. Another on fishing the upper Tully and "March of the Millipedes" that I think was on Fishing Creek in Lancaster County. It would take forever to go through the copies to find what you want.
Try asking the PFBC Angler & Boater for the articles or the issue information you are after.

I have been an Angler subscriber for ever but only saved the fly patterns from my back issues. I always remembered an article I read about the Dyberry Creek called "My Dyberry" back in the 1980's that I wanted to read again before my first trip to the Dyberry a few years back.

I emailed them about it and they sent me a copy of the article!!
JeffP wrote:
I saw most of the old Pa Angler is available on the internet. Its pretty cool going back and looking at old issues. I read them a lot back when I was young, and there are a lot that remain vivid in my mind. There is a lot of history there and and some interesting perspectives on things. I know its asking a lot but it would be great if you could search by topic. For instance, one was one Penn's Creek that I think was called "Wild, Clean, and Free" or something like that. Another on fishing the upper Tully and "March of the Millipedes" that I think was on Fishing Creek in Lancaster County. It would take forever to go through the copies to find what you want.

You can go the the PFBC site and type in the title of the article you are looking for like March of the Millepedes. They have all the issues electronically filed. It's amazing you remembered the name of the article after all that time.

My mentor gave me his collection of Pennsylvania Angler magazines from the 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's. Really interesting stuff.
That is so funny! I remember that one on Dyeberry Creek too! I have no idea how I remember some of the titles. In fact, I didn't even subscribe to it. We would read it in the Ephrata school library. We also would get used copies at the Clay Bookstore.
Thanks Afish! I guess I missed the search feature.
I always liked Chauncey Lively's fly tying articles. I learned a lot from them.
Well, March of the Millipedes it was Columbia County's Fishing Creek.A quick skim and I saw another one I remember well. It was called Sleepers on small limestone streams in south-central Pa. I have a feeling I won't get much work done tomorrow!
I also got the angler for many years. Until they combined it with the boating articles, and cut it down to 6 issues a year. Then I kinda lost interest in it, and let my subscription lapse.

But I really enjoyed Charlie Meck's articles in it.

I also remember that piece on Penns Creek - It was by a writer named Bernie Beegle. He was from Pittsburgh, and had a cabin on Penns. He wrote about it often.
And I believe he wrote the limestone sleeper piece too.
I've read a lot of the Anglers over many years, including back to the 1940s and 1950s.

One thing I noticed was that there was nothing mentioned about wild brown trout up until Operation Future in about the 1980s. If you read the older issues, in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, there is no hint that such a thing as wild browns even existed.

Native brook trout were mentioned sometimes, but never wild browns. I wonder why.

FYI, I found an archive of PA Angler sorted by Decade > Year > Month.

PA Angler is the best source of information to be found for anything related to fishing. Been a subscriber since 1983 and filled in most missing back issues through on line auctions. When I first subscribed I ignored the fly fishing information and was able to go back and revisit those issues when I found the real beauty of casting flies for trout.
been reading the angler since grade school library time. Gota be like 41 years or so. I picked up a lot of info during those early years. Get info in front of fisherman with limited knowledge and watch out they will become addicted. I know of one guy at work who has Steelhead fever real bad he been fishing every day since mid August. He is asked me last week he wants to get a fly fishing set up for Christmas.

I did get a chance to look at some of the early anglers. It's surprising how much they discuss the stocking of fish like sunfish and catfish. Also, issues of anglers breaking the law and poor treatment of landowners is evidently not a new thing!
Thanks for the website link to all those old PA Angler magazines.

I was able to sort through a few years of old issues from back in the 50’s and early 60’s to find an article from the May 1960 issue on walleye fishing in the Allegheny River near Warren, PA that had to a picture of me in it.

I can still remember that day and the fish we caught. It was either in January or February, raining and colder than the devil. But, we caught some fish, and I’d probably do it again today, nearly 60 years later - although I’d surely wear more of today’s high tech clothing, which makes it much nicer to be outside in inclement weather than what we had back then.
mt_flyfisher wrote:
I was able to sort through a few years of old issues from back in the 50’s and early 60’s to find an article from the May 1960 issue on walleye fishing in the Allegheny River near Warren, PA that had to a picture of me in it.

I can still remember that day and the fish we caught. It was either in January or February, raining and colder than the devil. But, we caught some fish, and I’d probably do it again today, nearly 60 years later - although I’d surely wear more of today’s high tech clothing, which makes it much nicer to be outside in inclement weather than what we had back then.

Now that's a neat story.
Thanks for posting, I didn't realize the archives existed! I started poking around looking for a an old article tying a leech pattern. Didn't find it yet but did come across some of Chauncey's patterns that I did tie over 40 years ago.

A bonus was finding a couple of back cover photos that I took. I remembered one, but completely forgot about the other (Sept '81 & Feb '82). I might have a few more out there if I keep looking.

Cool trip down memory lane!