Otters and stockers



Active member
Feb 23, 2009
First one for me today in York County. Heard a lot of splashing and walked through some brush to investigate. It was an Otter and a 16-18 inch rainbow. The otter secured the trout and drug it up on the bank. I snapped a twig and he dove back in the water with it. He swam about 20 yards downstream and up under a bush.

I've caught two fish from the same stream with scratches and skin missing on their backs. Thought maybe someone handled them rough, but it was an odd place to see fisherman/net marks.

Do you think he'll hangout until the stockers are gone?
Do fat kids like cake?
Cool! I didn't know there were otters in York County.

I've only ever seen one in PA, in the lower end of Cedar Run, trib to Pine Creek.
I've seen them in York Co as well on the Conewago Creek near Strinestown. A whole family of them popped out of a fallen tree's root ball near dusk. They chattered for a while, then dove into the hole I was fishing. I found another hole.
otters are coming back. there is one in Wilmington Delaware right by I-95.

I've seen two otters here in VA since moving here last September. Never saw one in PA
We are plagued by otters here in the smoky's of east Tennessee! Its an epidemic. The national park re introduced them 25 years ago and they exploded! They say that there are no adverse affects of the high otter population...however,its hard for the government to say "we were wrong" em or hate em they're here to stay... wait till a drought comes along...or a cold snap and the fish congregate in a deep pool... might as well serve the trout on a silver platter to the otters...
2weightfavorite wrote:
We are plagued by otters here in the smoky's of east Tennessee! Its an epidemic. The national park re introduced them 25 years ago and they exploded! They say that there are no adverse affects of the high otter population...however,its hard for the government to say "we were wrong" em or hate em they're here to stay... wait till a drought comes along...or a cold snap and the fish congregate in a deep pool... might as well serve the trout on a silver platter to the otters...

Sounds like the game commission and the coyotes! and whatever those worthless fishers were that I'm sure raid turkey nests!

I've seen otters several times. Saw one that stuck around during the fall after a stocking until it cleaned out all the brookies. They are neat to see but are kinda like the eagles now days. I know I'm competing with them on the water and they don't catch and release!
Have been seeing them on spring creek the past couple years.
I've seen them in southern Chester County recently.
LetortAngler wrote:
Have been seeing them on spring creek the past couple years.

Spring Cr in Centre Cty? If so, where on the creek?
troutbert wrote:
LetortAngler wrote:
Have been seeing them on spring creek the past couple years.

Spring Cr in Centre Cty? If so, where on the creek?

I cannot confirm it was an otter but a few years ago, some creature made a huge wake in one of the pools across from the Stackhouse parking lot. Could have been one of those mythical 30" browns, a beaver, a muskrat on steroids, or an otter. Or maybe the Loch Ness monster.

Chiques Creek Outfitters captured the antics of an otter family on camera over the past few years, near the mouth of Chiques Creek (between Columbia and Marietta, Lancaster County).
There are otters that hang around on the north side of Chicques Hill near the mouth of the creek also.
My son and I came across one on the White Clay just about 1/2mile up from Dam 1 just north of the U of Del.
"Spring Cr in Centre Cty? If so, where on the creek?

Yep, Benner Springs area, a mile or so downstream from the hatchery