OT Forum (I can live without it)



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
When I come on to the site each day, I always set up to look at all new posts but invariably I get bombarded with OT drivel which quite frankly I could live without. Is there anyway to turn that off short of looking at the site while not signed in? Or do you guys have ideas on how to better keep up with FF stuff on the site?
Why not just ignore it?

Just speaking for myself, I'm not a big OT fan either. I'll post there from time to time and will skim over some of the threads just as moderator duty. Yes, you can get sucked into the political and sports debates but - on the other hand - you can just skip those threads too. I visit this site for fishing stuff mostly.

It's worth remembering, however, that lots of Paff members enjoy the OT discussion....in particular the political stuff. This forum is one of the few web forums out there where folks can have a civil political debate between well informed (mostly) and articulate people without name calling and swearing.
Thanks FI. Sorry if I came across as advocating doing away with that forum, I am not. I just want to know if I can do anything to filter it out. Ignoring will just have to do for now.
Foxgap239 wrote:
I just want to know if I can do anything to filter it out.

Not to my knowledge. Perhaps in the future such an option will become available but I personally doubt this is a current priority considering the site's other issues.
Probably not possible as FI said.

Fox, I click on each forum and read new posts. If you do that, you can disregard things you are not interested in. Also, when reading only new posts, I inevitably have to go back to the thread to check out the OP and other posts in the thread, to make sense of what I'm reading (sometimes it never makes sense :-?). HTH.
Okay, you both did repsond. LOL I'm easily confused. Thanks Guys.