OT broke?



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
rest of forum is fine, try to look at OT and get the server busy page, anyone else having trouble, or is it just me?
Yeah - happening to me too.
I actually thought it was a problem with my internet.
The OT will have to be shut down for a bit until I can sort this out. Hang on and I will keep you updated. Thanks to Maurice for trying some stuff tonight. We may have to call in some experts.

Hit it with a hammer.
Get a bigger hammer. Thx guys you do an awsome job!!!!
I think the OT section of the server didn't get the message and drove off the cliff?
Bwuahahahahaha! Dude I'm gonna shart myself if the reason why it crashed was that record long post about the history of the interwebz!
I am getting some help for this I hope today. If I can't or have more problems Maurice had a good idea to create a new OT to help. It may be a temporary forum or more if we have problems I can't fix.

I like the bigger hammer option.
When its fixed its fixed. I think we can all take a break from bitching about politics, guns, religion, etc, and actually talk about something important, like fishing!!!!
Thanks to Dave and the mods for all the work you do to keep all of us occupied.
Throw it in the trash heap, it's become more of dumping ground then a forum anyway.
I'd like a selection box for those that want to view it and those that don't. Also I'd like to see no more gun posts on the main forum and anywhere but the OT.
Chaz wrote:

I'd like a selection box for those that want to view it and those that don't.


Don't we already have that? It's called registration.

If you don't want to view it, then don't view it.

Why take it out on everyone else if you have no self control?
It probably broke down due to the overwhelming need for spell checks on Pete's posts :hammer:
Confused this old guy for sure. Needing my "OT" fix. GG
Dave if its because of the Internet post I apologize i posted that ..Did not want anything to happen but to set the record straight
I have a friend who has a tremendous amount of coding experience that can either fix, or walk you through fixing the OT. Let me know if you want me to ask him about it.