Orvis Helios VS Sage Axis Z



Jun 10, 2009
Would like to hear from any members that have either, I'm going to get one and I know they both cast well ( I have cast them both but only quickly). Would just like some comments from people that have actually fished with them over a period of time.

Thanks in advance and happy holidays and new year to everyone.
My wife would kill me if I even thoguht about buying either one of those, that being said, I love a report of what you think of them. Probably never going to happen for me, but I like dreaming.
surveyor06 wrote:
My wife would kill me if I even thoguht about buying either one of those, that being said, I love a report of what you think of them. Probably never going to happen for me, but I like dreaming.

Just wait a few years and orvis will most likely have a new, state of the art rod. They'll discontinue the helios and be giving them away for 50%. That's how I got my zeroG.
from what i have heard , buy a zero gravity and save the money
For that money you could get a nice custom rod
Well, lets change it to the Orivs Hydros VS. Z-Axis.
For the money, definitely the Hydros. Other flyfisherman, one a fellow with, I believe some inherited endowment and a shop owner (so he has the money to buy and the access to use what he wants) sold his top of the line Sage models and replaced them with Helios rods. The 8ft. 3inch 3 weight Helios is, indeed, one of the true be-all, end-all, living, breathing S#!t of the Universe trout rods. Bar none. I can cast a heavy 6 wt to a 4 wt DT on my Helios 9 ft. 4 wt mid flex. (And did. I fished it all along the Madison and Gallatin with the 6 line, happy as a clam, easy as pie)
I don't think it's much of a practical choice. Now, if money isn't much of an object and the Z-Ax is PRECISELY what fits you, then it is what it is. But all my rods are somewhat different casting rods with flexes and speeds throughout the rod action continuum. Really, I can adapt and be quite happy with a rod that suits me OK. If anyone asked, I'd give the practical recommendation of not the Helios, but the newer HYDROS rod.

Now, whoda' thunk it?!? Me, ME! recommending an Orvis rod as being the functional, practical choice?!?
Hey, I call 'em as I see 'em. And cost counts!
troutslammer wrote:
from what i have heard , buy a zero gravity and save the money

Ohhh, No!!!! The Zero G: NOT, to me, a rod that I liked. It felt dead; just a heavy, dead, stiff stick.

No, the Mid-flex Helios (and I'm betting the Hydros. Look up on a fly fishing web cast how Orvis turned a $20 change in materials into a $200 change in price. They should be nearly indistinguishable) is like living, electric fiber in your hand. It is lively, smooth, light, strong, accurate, adaptable and, essentially INSTINCTIVE to me. Look, cast, fly goes there.
I spend a fair amount of time trying out the Helios, Z-Axis, Winston BIIx and Scott S4......I walked away with the Winston. It was crisp but not too fast. I think a Winston looks really nice.

I have an XP and didn't think the Z-Axis measured up. Can't really tell you why but the Helios didn't do anything for me. Maybe because Orivs had a higher price tag than all. I really like the Scott G2 rods!! The S4 was too fast.

Best suggestion...if you can wait. The fly show is coming up soon, all the rod companies will be there and have casting pools set up to try out rods. You can cast every rod for as much time as you need. Check it out. This is where I made my final decision. BTY.....go early or you will spend a lot of time standing in the casting line.
sylvaneous , what flex was the rod ? i cast a zg and it was far from a dead stick , if u think a tip flex zg is a dead stick then i would hate to se what you call soft ......wow
I was wondering the exact thing. I'll have to cast them both at a fly show.
The Z Axis seems to be the perfect rod!! I don't think any rod made could compare with it, Helios included! I'll look at them side by side.
I'll also check out the Ion..... the lightest rod in the world!
It's a shame that nobody on this site has either one.
i do own two helios rods a 8'6 5 wt and an 9ft 8 wt. i would not trade these rods for anything. thank god a good family friend owns a fly shop and he hooks me up that is the only way i could use these....i have always owned orvis rods and have the new hydro on the way an 9 ft 5 wt for fishing penns with. I would by the new hydro its 95 percent the same rod for alot less money....the helios rod loads fast so if that is what you like its the go to rod...if you are close to me i will let you borrow either the hydro when it comes or the helios for the day and you can make your choice up from there!
"thank god a good family friend owns a fly shop and he hooks me up"

Do you mean the "Evening Rise"... in Lancaster?
I was there a couple times and I love that fly shop. I noticed that his Helios rods were $10 less than the Orvis catalog! I only found that gem a couple months ago, but I like it much better than Cabelas! Great tying stuff!! And the Orvis 2 pack leaders, and the Super Strong tippet is the best on the market today!! He knows what to stock!
Small world.
no actually my dads good friend from highschool( he is a bigwig for gander mountain) and i get stuff at his cost. but i am glad that someone else knows about the shop...i really like those guys in there....they are alot of help and are always willing to deal