Orvis Helios 3



Jun 7, 2013
Not sure if this was posted yet:


It'd be funny if the "D" (distance) is simply the same rod with a lower recommended line weight, and the "F" (finesse) is the same rod with a HIGHER line weight. I got a Helios from a friend of mine, a 9 ft 4 wt mid-flex (I suppose the "F") and he recommended the 5 wt line, which it throws beautifully, for me. And he's a Western guy who you would believe he would want the booming sticks.

With all the manufacturers' churning of these "this one's the best', then "no, we mean THIS one's the best' to "Hey, we finally got it right. THIS one's the best." I'd think there were be a good number of the previous models (in this case, Helios and now H2) for sale 2nd hand, in the right places, like the East Coast Megalopolis.

I'd say 2-3 years ago, I reached my product and marketing saturation point. I found it distasteful. I tuned out. I'll call it my "Peltzal Point" or the inflection point of my "curmudgeon curve". I think it was the U.V. fly tying material hoo-hah tat did it. I don't want to hear about any more super-duper rods. I don't want to be fed gigantic streamers made with new materials that cost $4-6 a pack or whatever. It's like bass fishing. In fact bass fishing may be better. They act like $$$ is on the line because it is. They have tournaments. The only thing missing for FFers is the NASCAR inspired clown suits.
I still watch and listen and read, but I'm uninspired.


I expecting this as the Helios 2 are now on sale.
I tried to sell a Helios 2 here recently and couldn't give it away so I gave it away. It was a sweet rod but it didn't need it. I have an NRX I like just fine. . I also tuned out the new and improved business and fished only IMX for 20 years.
This makes me feel so under-gunned since I fished my Sage LL rod circa 1980's today. Somehow I don't think the trout noticed it.