Orvis Clearwater Cassette Reel

Shawn Joseph

Shawn Joseph

Active member
Mar 14, 2023
Montgomery County
Looking to buy a reel for my 8 wt I am building. Came across the Orvis Clearwater Cassette and really like the idea of the reel where you can change out the cassette to a different kind of line without having to buy extra spools. Anyone have experience with this model?
Dear Shawn,

I have no experience with the Orvis cassette reel but I have two sizes of the Maxcatch cassette reel. It comes with 3 spare cassettes which is really nice, and it works fine for my bass and panfish fly rodding.

I also have a couple of STH cassette reels. They are no longer made but you can often find them or ones made by STH for Orvis and Cortland for sale on Ebay. They are a little nicer reel; I have one in 5/6 weight and one in 3/4 weight that I use on trout rods.


Tim Murphy :)
@TimMurphy thank you.
Hardy made one not to long ago. Streamer guys liked them for swapping various float, sink tips and sinking lines.
That would be my application.
Hardy made one not to long ago. Streamer guys liked them for swapping various float, sink tips and sinking lines.
I've asked various fishermen whom have used both the orvis cassette system and Clearwater reel w/separate spools. The advice they all gave me was to avoid the cassette system and stick with individual spools. The Clearwater large arbor spools are really easy to swap out, and much more durable. I think it's one of those "you get what you pay for" deals.

I followed their advice and have 3 different setups for my 7wt I use for bass fishing: floating line, intermediate sink tip, and sinking line. Honestly the sinking line hardly gets any attention and the other two get all the love depending if I'm throwing poppers or stripping streamers.

If price is the main concern for why you're considering the cassette system vs individual spools, I'm not sure you should be considering either. You're going to have N times the number of spools or cassettes to fill with line either way - not cheap. I would instead just get the standard Clearwater reel with the included single spool and a nice floating or intermediate sink tip depending of the type of water and flies you like to throw. Then save up for another spool & line for a good goal in the future when you are ready and can afford it.
I've asked various fishermen whom have used both the orvis cassette system and Clearwater reel w/separate spools. The advice they all gave me was to avoid the cassette system and stick with individual spools. The Clearwater large arbor spools are really easy to swap out, and much more durable. I think it's one of those "you get what you pay for" deals.

I followed their advice and have 3 different setups for my 7wt I use for bass fishing: floating line, intermediate sink tip, and sinking line. Honestly the sinking line hardly gets any attention and the other two get all the love depending if I'm throwing poppers or stripping streamers.

If price is the main concern for why you're considering the cassette system vs individual spools, I'm not sure you should be considering either. You're going to have N times the number of spools or cassettes to fill with line either way - not cheap. I would instead just get the standard Clearwater reel with the included single spool and a nice floating or intermediate sink tip depending of the type of water and flies you like to throw. Then save up for another spool & line for a good goal in the future when you are ready and can afford it.
You talked me into the Orvis Clearwater large arbor reel with an extra spool. I think floating and Intermediate line is all I need for now. Thanks for the suggestion.