ORVIS CFO Reel .... reversible?



Active member
Oct 11, 2009
Ok, so it has been a while since I have been on and to be honest, thats because its been a while since I have been able to fish (new job, house falling apart, truck breaking down, parents having health issues, me having mental health issues....you know, life). that being said, that may be the reason I splurged and treated myself to a long time want of mine, a CFO reel. Now I realize this is not the famous click n' paw, but its the kind I like. unfortunately in my excitement I forgot to ask the important questions and got 'bayed..... yup, it hasnt happen for a while but I got ebayed and now I have to figure out what to do. so....


Can you reverse the drag/retrieve?

right now it is set up for right hand retrieve and I need it set for left.

Thanks for your help!

Just to be clear... Is this a drag or click n pawl?
I've got a CFO drag and have i have it reversed, so I can speak to that....although I've had it for 2 decades, so I would have to investigate to remember how...
I am pretty sure that CFO reels can be reversed. To reverse the retrieve on most reels it is as simple as removing the spool and flipping one internal part 180 degrees. (this part sometimes looks like a washer or gear type part that lays over the center shaft) some reels require removing small screws to flip the part. However, some reels are much more complicated of a procedure. I can't ever remember changing out a CFO so I'm not sure what they look like inside. Take the spool out and try it. You may be surprised how easy it is. If it doesn't work, put it back together and get some help.
I'm pretty sure I've reversed a CFO reel before. As I recall, it involves opening up the reel and being extremely careful not to lose any tiny little pieces. I don't have the disc-drag one though, so my experience is likely not useful.
Hammer should do the trick.
See if this helps
Hi Tim - Looking at the pic of this CFO's guts, it looks like there's probably a one way bearing in the spool that needs to be flipped over.

The large brass gear is different from the ones in the Battenkill discs. With those kind, all you had to do was remove the gear that was on the spool shaft, flip it, and re-install. They were even marked with a "L" on one side, and a "R" on the other.

You're probably gonna have to remove some small screws, or even a "C" clip to flip that bearing in the spool...

Edit - Beady confirmed my guess, and he types faster than I do.



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Retrieve is reversed in the spool, not the reel back. The spool has a silver gear with 3 small screws, they need to be removed then the one way clutch bearing needs to be flipped.
Thanks OD, that looks like the trick!
BOOM!!! thank you Orvis Downingtown and everyone else who chimed in!

-OD - thats how you win customers over! I look forward to visiting your shop. I realize you didn't need to help but based off this and your prior posts about some old orvis gear I had questions about, I really respect and appreciate your knowledge and willingness to help. Thank you!

-HA and Beady- thanks dudes, you got it spot on. I am looking forward to picking up a couple more of these bad boys and even an old school click n' pawl version. you guys know your shizz, thanks!

all - some people bad mouth this site, including would be "know-it-all" sales persons at local shops. let me just put my two cents out there for anybody getting into fly fishing or getting to know this site. your gonna have bone-heads no matter where you go, (including some of the would be know-it-all greenhorns who work at some of the shops) keeping that in mind you still cant beat the advice and willingness to help found here. some people bust on this site but I have learned more here than from any shop diva who thinks he's got it all figured. I guess what I'm saying is: thank you all!
Hammer did not work? Hmmm.... usually does.
"all - some people bad mouth this site, including would be "know-it-all" sales persons at local shops. let me just put my two cents out there for anybody getting into fly fishing or getting to know this site. your gonna have bone-heads no matter where you go, (including some of the would be know-it-all greenhorns who work at some of the shops) keeping that in mind you still cant beat the advice and willingness to help found here. some people bust on this site but I have learned more here than from any shop diva who thinks he's got it all figured. I guess what I'm saying is: thank you all!"

This. H8ers can suck eggs as far as I'm concerned. I've learned more about FFing and have made more fishing buddies in the last year that I've been on this site than the past 15 years of fly fishing combined.

This. H8ers can suck eggs as far as I'm concerned. I've learned more about FFing and have made more fishing buddies in the last year
 that I've been on this site than the past 15 years of fly fishing combined.  Posted on: Yesterday 9:47

Same here..... this site has REALLY made the trout fishing learning curve ALOT less painful. But I am forever grateful for the life long fishing buddies I have met thru this site. The wealth of knowledge on this site is outstanding but there dedication to helping a complete stranger is what makes me proud to be part of such a great organization. Bravo guys and gals!
This. H8ers can suck eggs as far as I'm concerned. I've learned more about FFing and have made more fishing buddies in the last year that I've been on this site than the past 15 years of fly fishing combined

Am I your BUDDY Squashy ?????